

*An Apple Top 100 Social Science Podcast* 60 Mindful Minutes launched in 2017 to invite conversations about what it means to live a more conscious, connected and intentional life.

Seven years and 300 interviews later, what has emerged is a series of interviews with people who care about how we live, how we feel, and how we connect with each other and ourselves. (Formerly named The Synced Life)

How we live, think and behave makes a difference on the inside and all around us.

The goal of each episode is to inspire listeners to ask the questions: could I be living more consciously? Could I be creating more meaningful connections in my life? Could I be living more fully?

If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we are not really living. – Gail Sheehy

Key Topics

Human Connection

Human connection is the multivitamin we all need more of. On a cellular level, we are wired to connect and the extent to which we positively sync with others, even strangers, has a huge impact on our lives, inside and out. Imagine if our lives could be exponentially upgraded just by bringing more attention and intention to the way we connect with others.

Elevating Consciousness

We live most of our lives on auto-pilot without pause for regularly tuning into our thoughts and emotions. Most days, how we feel on the inside is often directly impacted by what’s happening on the outside. But with intention and attention, we can learn to direct our thoughts and feelings in ways that have us find more clarity, steadiness and peace. We can cultivate contentment regardless of our circumstances, which is the most powerful skill we can hone.

Intentional Living

We’re designed to thrive, not just survive. Each of us deserves to suffer less and smile more. We do this through raising our consciousness and strengthening our connection with others, but also by making incremental upgrades to our lives that consistently elevate our experience of living. Whether it’s learning to dream bigger, to live more simply, or to nourish self more deeply, happy living is about prioritizing feeling good.

Where to listen?


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For Android phones and tablets, use the Stitcher app, which is downloaded from Google Play. In Stitcher, search for 60 Mindful Minutes and add it to your Favorites List. Now go to the Favorites List. Tell it to download new episodes by clicking the gear in the upper right corner.

Current Guests

EPISODE #300: Be A Lifelong Learner: 60 Mindful Minutes Finale

(May 2, 2024) This is my last episode of the 60 Mindful Minutes podcast. I’m tremendously proud of what I’ve created and so honored that you’ve listened, some of you since the very beginning. Learning has been our shared journey. Whether through books, conversations, or unique experiences, we’ve grown together. And while this chapter may be closing, the process of learning never truly ends. So in this episode, let’s dive deep into how we can keep the spirit of curiosity alive as lifelong learners.

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EPISODE #299: Time to Say Goodbye with Becky Blades

(April 30, 2024) Becky Blades, author of Start More Than You Can Finish: A Creative Permission Slip to Unleash Your Best Ideas, joins Kristen to discuss her decision to end the 60 Mindful Minutes podcast after 300 episodes.

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EPISODE #298: “The Artist’s Way” with Britt Frank

(April 23, 2024) Author Britt Fran, MSW, LSCSW, SEP, joins us to discuss one of her favorite books, The Artist’s Way by Julie Cameron.

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Past Guests

EPISODE #297: “Hold On To Your Kids” with Andee Martineau

(April 16, 2024) Author Andee Martineau joins us to discuss one of her favorite books, Hold On to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Maté.

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EPISODE #296: “Four Thousand Weeks” with Cheryl K. Johnson

(April 9, 2024) Author Cheryl K. Johnson joins us to discuss one of her favorite books, Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman.

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EPISODE #295: “Illusions” with John Strelecky

(April 2, 2024) Frequent guest John Strelecky joins us to discuss one of his favorite books, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach.

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EPISODE #294: “The Creative Act” with Carrie Contey

(March 26, 2024) Frequent guest Carrie Contey joins us to discuss one of her favorite books, The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin.

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EPISODE #293: Love Where you Live with Melody Warnick

(March 19, 2024) Science tells us that feeling a sense of “home” where we live has huge positive benefits to our health and wellbeing. in her book, This Is Where You Belong: Finding Home Wherever You Are, author Melody Warnick explores the place attachment and uncovers ten things we can do to feel more rooted in our lives. She embarks on several projects designed to have her love where she lives, sharing her ups, downs and discoveries in her wonderful book and in this week’s episode.

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EPISODE #292: When to End, When to Start with Emily P. Freeman

(March 12, 2024) This week we’re joined by author Emily P. Freeman to discuss key insights from her new book, How to Walk Into a Room: The Art of Knowing When to Stay and When to Walk Away. This is a book for anyone standing at a threshold, trying to discern the how, when, and what of making a change, with peace, confidence, and a whole heart. With particular emphasis on our individual “discerning process,” this conversation offers a roadmap for deciding our next move.

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EPISODE #291: Connecting to the Wisdom of Teenage Girls with Chelsey Goodan

(March 5, 2024) Chelsey Goodan, author of Underestimated: The Wisdom and Power of Teenage Girls, wants the world to rethink how we all relate to teenage girls. As a tutor and mentor for the past 16 years, Chelsey has learned that teenage girls feel profoundly misunderstood and alienated. But with the right approach and attitude, parents and other adults can learn to connect with teens and forge a meaningful, open dialogue that expands empathy and understanding.

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EPISODE #290: Your Own Hero’s Journey with Ben Katt

(February 21, 2024) Imagine you’ve come to a point in your life that feels like a fork in the road; one direction things stay the same, and in the other, you change things dramatically. For Ben Katt, this “second half” of life can feel like the archetypal hero’s journey, one of leaving what’s comfortable, falling down on the journey toward something new, and then rising. In this episode, Ben shares insights from his book, The Way Home: Discovering the Hero’s Journey to Wholeness at Midlife, and how he answered his own call to adventure.

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EPISODE #289: Have a Leap Year with Gay Hendricks

(February 15, 2024) Gay Hendricks returns for his third visit to 60 Mindful Minutes, this time to share key insights from his new book, Your Big Leap Year: A Year to Manifest Your Next-Level Life. What if 2024 is the year we all eliminate our “Upper Limit Problem” and finally learn to live in our “Genius Zone”? We tackle this question and many more.

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EPISODE #288: How to Open to Life with Nate Klemp

(February 13, 2024) Uncover the transformative power of expanding our minds amidst endless life’s stressors and distractions. Nate Klemp, author of Open: Living with an Expansive Mind in a Distracted World, joins us to discuss his experiences discovering how embracing life’s fullness leads to sanity, happiness, and a larger, more connected existence. When we learn to open ourselves to life, we embark on a journey to rediscovering wonder and creativity in everyday life.

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EPISODE #287: Six Ingredients for Love with Sara Nasserzadeh

(February 6, 2024) Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh shares insights from her book, Love by Design, offering a new Emergent Love Model for modern relationships. This revolutionary approach, born from extensive research and global couple insights, identifies six relational ingredients for successful partnerships: attraction, respect, trust, compassion, shared vision, and loving behaviors. The result is a transformative blueprint for cultivating lasting love, surpassing outdated ideals of romantic relationships.

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EPISODE #286: How to Create Your Life Brief with Bonnie Wan

(January 23, 2024) Bonnie Wan, brand strategist and author of The Life Brief: A Playbook for No-Regrets Living, joins us to discuss how we can create a playbook for navigating life’s decisions, crossroads, and curve-balls. Modeled after the creative brief, a tool used by the most innovative companies in the world to unlock clarity and unleash action, The Life Brief carves a path for living with intention and imagination.

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EPISODE #285: The Ethics of Psychedelic Therapy and Journeying

(January 16, 2024) Explore the uncharted territories of the mind with Rebecca Martinez, a visionary in psychedelic therapy. In a world where ancient wisdom meets modern healing, this episode delves into the ethical labyrinth of psychedelic use. Martinez, author of the revolutionary Whole Medicine: A Guide to Ethics and Harm-Reduction for Psychedelic Therapy and Plant Medicine Communities, offers a rare glimpse into the future of mental wellness. Discover how these powerful substances are not just altering minds, but reforming therapy itself. Join us for a journey beyond the consciousness, where healing and ethics intertwine in the most fascinating ways.

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EPISODE #284: Self-Awareness Through Therapy with Annie Zimmerman

(January 9, 2024) Over the past decade, therapy has shed its stigma and has become increasingly normalized. By speaking with a trained professional, we can gain the self-awareness necessary to make meaningful changes in the way we feel, think and behave. This week, psychotherapist Dr. Annie Zimmerman shares insights from her book, Your Pocket Therapist: Break Free from Old Patterns and Transform Your Life.

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EPISODE #283: The 2024 GrowthMap System Explained

(January 4, 2024) I recently created a system for tackling my 2024 goals. I call it GrowthMap and it’s designed to keep me inspired and committed all year long. In this episode, I outline this process for advancing your life, prioritizing what matters, and completing your goals in a systematic way. It’s designed to have you methodically moving forward–growing as a person, bettering yourself and your life–through a step-by-step process that carries you throughout 2024. I’m excited to share this method with you in the hopes that you’ll continue to do what humans are designed to do: grow!

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EPISODE #282: How to Focus in 2024 with John Strelecky

(January 2, 2024) It’s an annual tradition on 60 Mindful Minutes to begin the year with a conversation with bestselling author John Strelecky. His innovative, insightful and inspiring approach to life and how we can live it to the fullest always gives listeners a new lens from which to think about the year ahead. For this episode we dive into a conversation about how we prioritize, pivot and plan for an unforgettable 2024.

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EPISODE #281: Habits of Resilient Couples with Amy Morin

(December 26, 2023) After over a decade of studying mental fortitude, international bestseller, Amy Morin, has unveiled her insights on what couples can do to have healthy, lasting connection. In this week’s episode, we discuss Amy’s newest book, 13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don’t Do, and dive into the habits every couple can cultivate to better their relationship.

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EPISODE #280: Creating Financial Health with Jay Seabrook

(December 22, 2023) Our finances have an enormous impact on our wellbeing. Whether we’re trying to make ends meet, get out of debt, or saving for home ownership, money can keep us up at night, negatively impact our relationships and cause us to feel very stressed. But what if we had better tools and insights for how we manage our money? Jay Seabrook, founder of Enriched Academy, is on a mission to expand financial literacy. This week we dive into his approach to financial health and wealth.

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EPISODE #279: Food Consciousness with Jamie Truppi

(December 19, 2023) What an incredible thing it is that we humans are built from the food we eat. While food has an enormous influence on how we feel, think and behave, we often pay it little mind, choosing instead to mindlessly munch instead of consciously nourish. Author of Clean Food, Messy Life, Jamie Truppi has dedicated her life to the intersection of food and our wellbeing. A functional nutritionist with a master’s degree in science and nutrition, she encourages us to rethink our commitment to how we nourish ourselves and offers actionable insights for reclaiming our lost love affair with food.

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EPISODE #277: The Power of Nostalgia Clay Routledge

(December 12, 2023) Nostalgia plays an interesting role in our lives. While many of us may consider it something we experience as we reflect on our past, this week’s guest sees it as a tool we can use to create our future. In his new book, Past Forward: How Nostalgia Can Help You Live a More Meaningful Life , Clay Routledge, PhD, guides us through a fascinating investigation into an emotion we all experience yet often misunderstand, inviting us to consider how nostalgia can have extraordinary potential to enrich our present―and our future.

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EPISODE #278: How Couples Can Work Better Together with Robert and Kay Lee Fukui

(December 14, 2023) Robert and Kay Lee Fukui, authors of Tandem: The Married Entrepreneurs’ Guide for Greater Work-Life Balance, share their insights for how couples can work better together in business and in life. From improving conflict styles and communication skills to creating ways to maintain balance and connection, Robert and Kay Lee offer strategies for staying strong when times are tough.

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EPISODE #276: Seasonal Rituals with Jacqueline Suskin

(December 5, 2023) Discover the profound connection between nature’s rhythms and the way we live our lives with poet Jacqueline Suskin, author of A Year in Practice: Seasonal Rituals and Prompts to Awaken Cycles of Creative Expression. By synchronizing ourselves with the ever-changing phases of the planet, we can tap into an unending wellspring of imagination, inspiration, and beauty, nurturing our endeavors year-round. When we tune into the world around us, we can learn to live more aligned with the natural ebb and flow of life.

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EPISODE #275: Emotional Awareness with Nataly Kogan

(November 28, 2023) In a world filled with noise and distractions, tuning into our inner selves can be quite challenging. This week, we explore the concept of emotional awareness with Nataly Kogan, the author of “The Awesome Human Journal: A Toolkit for Every Kind of Day.” It turns out that dedicating time to connect with ourselves daily, fostering love, curiosity, and introspection, not only deepens our self-understanding but also empowers us to nurture and guide ourselves effectively.

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EPISODE #274: Less Beige, More Magenta with Liz Kitchens

(November 21, 2023) Liz Kitchens, author of Be Brave. Lose the Beige, joins Kristen for a lively and inspiring episode about how to break free from societal expectations and monotonous living. Discover how to embrace your inner magenta (and lose the beige) at any age, exploring ways to add vibrant colors to your life. We had a blast during this interview, and you’ll have just as much fun listening!

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EPISODE #273: Intention, Certainty and Joy with Moshe Gersht

(November 14, 2023) Delve into the transformative wisdom of bestselling author Moshe Gersht and his book, “The Three Conditions: How Intention, Joy, and Certainty Will Supercharge Your Life.” Gersht challenges the notion of positive thinking alone and introduces a powerful formula for a more fulfilling life. Discover how intention, certainty, and joy play pivotal roles in shaping your authentic self and finding lasting happiness.

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EPISODE #272: Why and How to Retreat with Jim Eastburn

(November 9, 2023) What happens when we step away from our lives for a few hours, days or weeks? Retreating is one of the best and oldest tools for wellness. It’s how we restore and reclaim ourselves. This week, Kristen and her guest, Jim Eastburn (Corporate Director of Transformational Experiences at Canyon Ranch), take a deep dive into all things retreating, including how to design a retreat, the many benefits, and how we can build mini-retreats into the everyday living of our lives.

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EPISODE #271: How to See Homelessness Differently with Kevin Adler

(November 7, 2023) Homelessness is complicated. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons so many of us have such a hard time looking directly at the issue and the people it impacts. This week, we dive into the book, When We Walk By: Forgotten Humanity, Broken Systems, and the Role We Can Each Play in Ending Homelessness in America with author and social entrepreneur Kevin Adler. We touch on such topics as relational poverty, look at the societal cost of indifference and discuss the potential for evidence-based, people-first, and community-driven solutions that make a difference.

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EPISODE #270: Unwind without Alcohol with Rebecca E. Williams

(October 31, 2023) The decision to take a break from or eliminate alcohol entirely isn’t just about stopping drinking; it’s about creating a new, alcohol-free life. That can feel like a daunting undertaking. But in her book, Simple Ways to Unwind without Alcohol: 50 Tips to Drink Less and Enjoy More, Rebecca E. Williams, PhD provides a blueprint for how we can take a more holistic approach to life and begin to redesign our habits, pastimes and worklife to feel happy and healthier without alcohol.

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EPISODE #269: Your Imaginal Intelligence with Stephen Aizenstat

(October 24, 2023) Explore the transformative potential of imagination in this episode with Professor Stephen Aizenstat, author of The Imagination Matrix: How to Access the Greatest Power You Have for Creativity, Connection, and Purpose. Stephen’s book provides a personal path to purposefulness, resourcefulness, and resilience, connecting us each to our own innate creative force, helping us to embrace our role as a seeker, dreamer, and doer tapping into a collective purpose.

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EPISODE #268: Our Connected Species with Mark A. Williams

(October 17, 2023) We are a connected species, and our innate drive for belonging can be a double-edge sword. It brings us together but it also divides us. In his new book, The Connected Species: How the Evolution of the Human Brain Can Save the World, Mark A. Williams, PhD draws from his over 25 years of research and experience as a professor of cognitive neuroscience to explore the human brain’s specialization for connection and how we can use it to expand our in-group and extend multicultural societies for the good of our planet.

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EPISODE #267: Power and Embodiment with Pavini Moray

(October 12, 2023) Unlock the keys to power and leadership in this engaging interview with somatic educator and coach, Pavini Moray. Learn how your body holds the secrets to becoming an inspirational and socially conscious leader in this conversation based on Moray’s new book, How to Hold Power: A Somatic Approach to Becoming a Leader People Love and Respect.

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EPISODE #266: Leadership Lessons from Parenthood with Valerie Cockerell

(October 10, 2023) Valerie Cockerell shares insights from her book, Manage Like a Mother: Leadership Lessons Drawn from the Wisdom of Mom, which is designed for anyone who wants to become a better leader, in any arena of their life. Drawing from her parenting experience and decades of corporate experience, Valerie emphasizes skills such as multitasking, conflict resolution, and role modeling that leaders can use to drive success in any setting.

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EPISODE #265: Harness Your Individuality with Kris Farraro

(October 3, 2023) Author Kris Ferraro discusses key takeaways from her book, “Your Difference is Your Strength,” a fearless and joyful guide designed to empower those who’ve felt like outsiders to celebrate their distinctiveness and harness their individuality in every aspect of life. Renowned for her bestseller “Manifesting,” Kris shares real-life examples and practical wisdom to help anyone unleash their full potential.

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EPISODE #264: Purpose, Destination, Focus and Curiosity with Jon Yarian

(September 28, 2023) Writer, speaker and serial entrepreneur Jon Yarian shares his perspective on the things that get in the way of our performance (in life and at work) and the things that cause us to excel and thrive. Sharing a few key concepts from his new book, Spark: 24 Concepts to Ignite, Unstick or Supercharge Your Work Life, Jon challenges conventional business thinking and encourages a radical mindset shift.

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EPISODE #263: Rest Practices with Ximena Vengoechea

(September 26, 2023) Ximena Vengoechea, an expert in all things rest, takes you on a journey through a treasure trove of relaxation techniques that have stood the test of time. Her new book, Rest Easy: Discover Calm and Abundance through the Radical Power of Rest, covers everything from gentle movements, soothing sounds, imaginative visualizations to heartfelt journaling, quality time in nature, and calming meditative practices. Rest Easy is like an open invitation to discover how giving your mind, body, and spirit some well-deserved rest can truly transform your life.

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EPISODE #262: Meditation in Three Minutes a Day Richard Dixey

(September 19, 2023) Richard Dixey, PhD, a scientist and lifelong student of Asian philosophy, believes that we don’t have to sit in lotus pose for twenty minutes or more to feel the benefits of meditation. In his new book, Three Minutes a Day: A Fourteen-Week Course to Learn Meditation and Transform Your Life, he introduces a convenient approach to cultivating a daily meditation practice, requiring just three minutes each day. Delving into the creation of our experiences by our senses, their processing in the brain, and the resulting construction of our worldview, Richard explores how we can establish a solid foundation for profound insight in almost no time at all.

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EPISODE #261: Parenting with Control or Autonomy with Emily Edlynn

(September 12, 2023) This week we delve into the transformative world of autonomy-supportive parenting with Emily Edlynn, PhD, author of Autonomy-Supportive Parenting: Reduce Parental Burnout and Raise Competent, Confident Children. Drawing from decades of psychological research, Emily explores how to shift from intensive, controlling parenting to empowering our children’s independence and confidence. Join us as we discuss a few real-life parenting dilemmas and explore insights into the importance of fostering autonomy.

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EPISODE #260: Developing Rugged Flexibility with Brad Stulberg

(September 5, 2023) Change is inevitable but how we each deal with change is highly variable. In his new book, Master of Change: How to Excel When Everything Is Changing – Including You, author and researcher Brad Stulberg explores how change itself is neutral, and only becomes negative or positive based on how we view it and, more importantly, what we do with it. The latest findings from psychology and cutting-edge neuroscience show us that by developing rugged flexibility, we can successfully adapt to change and navigate the twists and turns of life.

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EPISODE #259: (REPLAY) Set Better Boundaries with Melissa Urban

(August 29, 2023) Melissa Urban knows firsthand that boundaries are the key to feelings of contentment, confidence, and freedom in every area of life. Since launching the mega-bestselling wellness program the Whole30, she has taught millions of people how to establish healthy habits and successfully navigate pushback/pressure by learning to set clear limits that protect our energy, time, and health. Through The Book of Boundaries, Melissa’s latest creation, she demonstrates that boundaries are the key to better mental health, more fulfilling relationships, and a happier, more productive way of life.

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EPISODE #258: (REPLAY) How to Unleash Your Ideas with Becky Blades

(August 22, 2023) We live in a culture that values follow through and abhors quitting. But what is the hidden cost of all the things we never start because we’re afraid we might not follow through? To Becky Blades, the author of Start More Than You Can Finish: A Creative Permission Slip to Unleash Your Best Ideas, the value in acting on our ideas is not measured in grand planned finishes. The value is in each and every start. This week, Becky shares how we can all develop our inner “startistry’ and end the myth that not finishing equals failing.

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EPISODE #257: (REPLAY) Designing an ‘On Purpose’ Life with Tanya Dalton

(August 15, 2023) Tanya Dalton, author of On Purpose and The Joy of Missing Out, invites you to ask yourself this question: Are you filling your calendar or are you filling your soul? As a productivity expert, Tanya cares a lot about getting things done and achieving goals, but doing so with an unhurried purpose that we each can access when we stay true to our soul’s path and design our days on purpose. With simple shifts and innovative strategies, she offers the tools for us to create a more spacious, fulfilling life.

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EPISODE #256: (REPLAY) Work Anywhere, Live Anywhere with Melody Warnick

(August 8, 2023) Remote work exploded over the past two years, and as a result, millions of people now find themselves in the position to ask this life-changing question: If I can work anywhere, where shall I live? This is the inquiry that author Melody Warnick explores in her new book, If You Could Live Anywhere. Along the way she considers the importance of place, cost of living and community but also our leanings towards a nomadic life or living internationally. Warnick helps the “Anywhereist” discover the right place to do their best work but also live their best life.

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EPISODE #255: Techno-Optimism with Cori Lathan

(August 1, 2023) With all of its positives and negatives, most people would agree that technology is a mixed bag. However, it’s becoming harder and harder to see technology’s good side when the headlines offer a nonstop stream of all the doom and gloom it causes. This week, we’re joined by Dr. Cori Lathan, author of Inventing the Future: Stories from a Techno-Optimist, to discuss an optimistic perspective on the role technology plays in our lives.

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EPISODE #254: Lifelong Learning with Damon Lembi

(July 25, 2023) This week we dive into the book, The Learn-It-All Leader: Mindset, Traits and Tools, with its author, Damon Lembi. This is a book about what’s possible when we have the mindset of being a lifelong learner, and it offers ways to encourage and cultivate that mindset, as well as ways to integrate wonder and curiosity into our lives continuously.

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EPISODE #253: The Power of Small Acts with Trathen Heckman

(July 18, 2023) We all need a dose of optimism at times. I’d been yearning to see how I could make a difference and affect some much-needed change in the world. But the stakes feel so high and the problems feel impossibly complicated and far-reaching. Before this interview, I wanted to know: what can I do? And how can I stop feeling so powerless and hopeless? I found the answers to these questions and more inside Take Heart, Take Action: The Transformative Power of Small Acts, Groups, and Gardens by this week’s guest, Trathen Heckman.

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EPISODE #252: Reverse Meditation with Andrew Holecek

(July 11, 2023) “Complete meditation is not about feeling good— it’s about getting real,” writes Andrew Holecek in his book, Reverse Meditation: How to Use Your Pain and Most Difficult Emotions as the Doorway to Inner Freedom. From this lens, meditation intended only to feel good falls short of what’s possible when we tune into and turn toward ourselves. This week’s conversation focuses on reverse meditation, which is a deliberate turning towards difficult thoughts, emotions and physical pain. And with this new perspective, reverse meditation give us the opportunity to relate to our mind instead of from it.

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EPISODE #251: Connect Method Parenting with Andee Martineau

(July 4, 2023) One of the most challenging things about raising a family is trying to get your kids to listen, make good choices, and do what you need them to do. As a mom of six and a longtime parenting coach, Andee Martineau has cultivated and now teaches a parenting methodology that puts connection ahead of correction. This week, she’ll discuss the key ideas from her book, Connect Method Parenting: How to Get Your Kids to WANT to Listen to You Without the Yelling, Ultimatums, and Bribes.

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EPISODE #250: Understanding Gen Z with John Schlimm

(June 27, 2023) Isn’t it interesting how we give generations labels? As you may know, Gen Z is defined as anyone born between 1997 and 2012, which means these are the people that are roughly 11 to 26 years of age now. As you give some thought to people you may know in this age group, I wonder what labels or judgments might you have? In his new book, What Would Gen-Z Do?: Everything You Don’t Know About Gen-Z But Should, international award-winning author John Schlimm invites you to rethink everything.

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EPISODE #249: Living an Aligned and Awakened Life with Sydney Campos

(June 20, 2023) Living in an aligned and conscious way sounds good on paper, but how do we actually do this? We live in an often overwhelming world, one that doesn’t offer many opportunities to turn within and connect with ourselves. In I’m Ascending, Now What?, energy and embodiment expert Sydney Campos explores how we can begin to reclaim ourselves and transform our wounds and shadows into your greatest gifts. Perhaps it’s time to see what you’re really made of and experience the infinite possibilities that await when you choose to become the creator of your reality.

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EPISODE #248: Decoding Your Family with Elaine Carney Gibson

(June 13, 2023) No matter what your relationship with your family looks like today, your family dynamics have a tremendous impact on how you feel about yourself, show up in the world, and relate to others This week I’m joined by Elaine Carney Gibson to discuss her book, Your Family Revealed: A Guide to Decoding the Patterns, Stories, and Belief Systems in Your Family. Beyond being a clear and compelling guide for better helping us each understand family and the subconscious dynamics that can impact us deep into adulthood, this is a book about becoming more aware of where we came from so we can engage our power to change, grow, and create a more meaningful life.

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EPISODE #247: Transcending Time with Lisa Broderick

(June 6, 2023) Lisa Broderick, author of All the Time in the World: Learn to Control Your Experience of Time to Live a Life Without Limitations, shares her insights on how we can use science-based practices for stretching and bending time, thereby changing our experience of time altogether. “Our ability to influence our experience of time is the key to doing what we are here to do. As you liberate yourself from the illusion of time as we know it, you will become a confident creator of your own reality. You have all the time in the world.”

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EPISODE #246: Enjoying Emptiness with Thomas Moore

(May 30, 2023) This week I’m joined by Thomas Moore, who is best known for his NYT bestselling book, Care of the Soul, A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life. Thomas recently released his newest book, The Eloquence of Silence: Surprising Wisdom in Tales of Emptiness, which is a book about how we can embrace, even enjoy, emptiness. In a world that encourages us to want more, do more and have more, Thomas’s is a quiet voice that whispers… maybe there’s wisdom in less. Maybe there’s something special, deep, spiritual and meaningful about emptiness. Maybe it has something to teach us.

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EPISODE #245: Transforming Worry and Anxiety with Luana Marques

(May 23, 2023) This week I’m joined by Dr. Luana Marques, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard University, to discuss her book, Bold Move: A 3-Step Plan to Transform Anxiety into Power. After decades of research, teaching, and clinical practice, Dr. Luana understands anxiety, including the thinking patterns that can leave us feeling tense, anxious, and worried. Bold Move is a book designed to offer tried and tested methods to break out of thinking pattern ruts and fuel the courage to create a more confident and meaningful life.

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EPISODE #244: Getting Unstuck with Britt Frank

(May 16, 2023) So many of us go through a period of feeling completely stuck. But as we’ll learn from today’s guest, it’s not because we’re lazy, crazy, or unmotivated. We’re missing a clear pathway to get back on course. In her new book, The Science of Stuck: Breaking Through Inertia to Find Your Path Forward, Britt Frank offers a research-backed road map for moving forward with purpose, confidence, and freedom.

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EPISODE #243: Unlocking Potential with George Mumford

(May 9, 2023) I’m joined this week by George Mumford to talk about his book, Unlocked: Embrace Your Greatness, Find the Flow, Discover Success. George has worked with the elite of elite athletes, including Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Kobe Bryant, and Shaquille O’Neal. What he has discovered is that natural ability wasn’t exclusively what made them great. “What made them so exceptional was that they were what I call unlocked— they were in close touch with that part of themselves that was most truly who they were. That is what allowed them to develop their potential in the way they did.” Today’s conversation is going to do a deep dive into how we can each become unlocked.

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EPISODE #242: Seize the Day with Vivian Risi

(May 2, 2023) This week I met with Vivian Risi to discuss her book, 24 Hours Is All It Takes: Daily Habits Guaranteed to Change Your Life. This is a book about the daily essentials… things we could all do every day to kickstart the next steps toward living the life we want to live. And it’s a book filled with ideas, strategies, and tools, especially the ones we can use first thing in the morning so we can all seize the day.

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EPISODE #241: Profit and Presence: Cultivating Mindfulness in Business with Eric Holsapple

(April 25, 2023) This week we dive into the book, Profit with Presence: The Twelve Pillars of Mindful Leadership, with its author, Eric Holsapple. This is a book about how we can create workplaces that are anchored in mindful presence, peace of mind, and gratitude, without sacrificing profits or performance. In fact, Eric would argue that mindfulness is not only a path to personal success, it’s a sound business strategy.

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EPISODE #240: Intention and Energy with Bill Philipps

(April 18, 2023) Imagine what could be possible if we intentionally engaged with our spiritual side on a regular basis? Bill Philipps, author of Soul Searching: Tune In to Spirit and Awaken Your Inner Wisdom, has spent a lifetime learning how to tap into the human guidance system and direct energy with intention. He encourages us to not only tune into our intention and energy, but also become skillful at surrender and knowing that we are the creators of our lives.

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EPISODE #239: The Life-Changing Practice of Paying Attention with Paul Angone

(April 11, 2023) It’s easy to miss something you’re not looking for. Psychologists call this inattentional blindness: the failure to notice something right in front of you because other attention-demanding tasks are at hand. This week, my guest is Paul Angone, author of Listen to Your Day: The Life-Changing Practice of Paying Attention. Paul argues that inattentional blindness sums up the day-to-day of most of our lives. We’re missing important things, including revelations, ideas, and truths, that are walking right in front of us because we aren’t actually looking for them.

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EPISODE #238: Belonging with Lisa Kentgen

(April 4, 2023) Belonging, as research shows us, is a key determinant of our health. It gives us a sense of safety, and it gives our lives meaning and purpose. Without it we feel lost, alone, depressed, even worthless. As you’ll hear in this week’s conversation with Lisa Kentgen, author of The Practice of Belonging, we can build belonging into our lives with intention using the six lessons Lisa learned during her studies into belonging around the world.

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EPISODE #237: Normalizing Women Without Kids with Ruby Warrington

(March 28, 2023) What is “woman” if not mother? This is one of the many thought-provoking questions Ruby Warrington asks in her book, Women Without Kids: The Revolutionary Rise of an Unsung Sisterhood. This is a book designed to confront the ways we normalize women as mothers and stigmatize women who don’t have children. It takes on the stubbornly taboo topic of women without children, and offers a timely and brave reframing of what it means not to be a mom, instead of continuing to paint women without kids as “sad, self-obsessed, or somehow dysfunctional.”

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EPISODE #236: Navigating Deep Shifts with Valarie Gangas

(March 21, 2023) Few of us will get through this lifetime without going through at least one major upheaval, a time when life feels completely upside down. Whether the upheaval comes in the form of a world-shaking event or something as intimate as a broken relationship, medical emergency, or personal loss, we can be left feeling completely untethered. In her book, In Deep Shift: Riding the Waves of Change to Find Peace, Fulfillment, and Freedom, author Valarie Gangus explores the idea that our most turbulent moments are actually the gateways to expanding our consciousness. We can begin a process that forces us to wake up, transform, and come home to our true selves.

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EPISODE #235: Hope for Our Precious Planet with Patrick McDonnell

(March 14, 2023) Saving our planet and averting a climate disaster seem increasingly challenging, even impossible. But this week’s guest believes that hope and heart are the answer. In his book collaboration with His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Patrick McDonnell proposes a compassionate revolution and encourages us to see that real change in the world will only come from a change of heart. Join us this week as we discuss the book, Heart to Heart: A Conversation on Love and Hope for Our Precious Planet.

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EPISODE #234: Creative Mindfulness with Rachel Rose

(March 7, 2023) There are many doorways into our mindful selves. Some use meditation, others use running. This week’s guest uses creativity. In her new book, Creating Stillness: Mindful Art Practices and Stories for Navigating Anxiety, Stress, and Fear, Rachel Rose explores how we can use our creative selves as a way to focus and steady the mind, create inner knowing, and cultivate peace.

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EPISODE #233: Knot Parenting with Carrie Contey

(February 23, 2023) Have you ever wondered what it would be like to feel steady and confident in your parenting? Do you ever think about how to truly savor these precious years with your growing people? And, perhaps most importantly, do you dream of creating connected relationships that endure beyond childhood? This week, we connect with Carrie Contey, who has spent the last two decades guiding, supporting and inspiring parents to know and trust themselves, deeply. And as a result, there are thousands of parents all over the world who feel skillfully equipped, personally fulfilled, and authentically connected with their people in all phases of development.

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EPISODE #232: Mastering Your Thoughts with Thomas Sterner

(February 21, 2023) Reflect back on the last hour of your thinking and consider how many of those thoughts you created on purpose. If you’re like most of us, you’ll likely see that much of your thinking gets produced without your direction, and often outside of your awareness. This week, Thomas Sterner shares insights from his book, It’s Just a Thought: Emotional Freedom through Deliberate Thinking. Throughout his career, Thomas has been exploring methods for thinking, rather than being thought. What he’s learned is that directing our thoughts, instead of being directed by them, is not only possible, it’s transformative.

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EPISODE #231: Healthy Love with Shainna Ali

(February 14, 2023) Mental health counselor and author of Designing Healthy Boundaries: A Guide to Embracing Self-Love, Building Better Boundaries, and Protecting Your Peace, Shainna Ali returns to 60 Mindful Minutes to discuss what it means to experience healthy love. What does it look and feel like? How do we find it? How do we nourish it?

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EPISODE #230: Living a Heart-Minded Life with Sarah Blodin

(February 7, 2023) Whether we’re aware of it or not, most of us spend a lot of time in our thoughts and use our minds to navigate the world. For Sarah Blondin, there’s another layer to living, a dimension we’re missing when we forget to turn towards our hearts to connect with ourselves and the world around us. In her book, Heart Minded: How to Hold Yourself and Others in Love, she invites readers to come home to themselves and uses centering practices to help us return to a place of groundedness and connection with a deep knowing within.

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EPISODE #229: Emotional Strength Training for Men with Connor Beaton

(January 31, 2023) Suck it up. Stuff it down. For many men, this is the extent of their emotional education. In his new book, Men’s Work: A Practical Guide to Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, and Find Freedom, Connor Beaton asks: Where is the modern-day strength training for the hearts and minds of men? Offering a tactical, self-led guide for men to explore their inner world, Connor blazes a new trail of facing fear, self-sabotage, anger and anxiety head on in order to find liberation from the limiting thoughts, emotions, and patterns men often face.

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EPISODE #228: Using Mindfulness with Addiction with Rebecca Williams

(January 24, 2023) Most of us can relate to being addicted to something at some point in our lives, and can remember the oh so familiar negative cycle of succumbing to our addictions, feeling shame and regret, making new attempts and commitments for change, and then possibly failing again and again. This week, we welcome Rebecca Williams to share insights from her book The Gift of Recovery: 52 Mindful Ways to Live Joyfully Beyond Addiction, which is all about creating in-the-moment mindfulness skills that give us the tools we need to navigate this cycle, and to transcend it completely.

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EPISODE #227: Choose Yourself with Yasmine Cheyenne

(January 17, 2023) Imagine you’ve got a glass jar filled with sugar on your kitchen counter. You are the jar, and the sugar is your energy. This week we connect with author Yasmine Cheyenne about her book, The Sugar Jar Create Boundaries, Embrace Self-Healing, and Enjoy the Sweet Things in Life. This book is about how we can get an accurate gauge of how much is in the sugar jar (how resourced we are). It’s about identifying what depletes us and what restores us so we can spend our sugar more effectively and more in line with who we are and what we need.

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EPISODE #226: Getting Unstuck with Becky Vollmer

(January 10, 2023) This week we connect with Becky Volmer, author of the brand new book, You Are Not Stuck: How Soul-Guided Choices Transform Fear into Freedom This is a book about action. Who doesn’t feel stuck sometimes? Sometimes it’s in our jobs, our relationships, sometimes it can feel like our whole life feels stuck. Any time we feel like we can’t see better options, or we’re just not clear, or things just don’t seem to be turning out, we can become immobilized. You Are Not Stuck is about making bold choices that can sometime looks like an audacious leap; more often, though, it is a series of small, deliberate actions based on personal values that yield more clarity, alignment, and, ultimately, long-term contentment.

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EPISODE #225: How to Find Meaning and Purpose in 2023 with John Strelecky

(January 3, 2023) John Strelecky is a #1 bestselling inspirational author. His books have been translated into over forty-three languages and sold more than eight million copies worldwide. They have won bestseller of the year awards seven times and collectively spent more than one thousand three hundred weeks on bestseller lists, including more than three hundred weeks in the #1 spot. John’s entry into the world of writing began following a life changing experience when he was thirty-three years old. From that, he was inspired to sit down and tell the story shared in his first book – The Cafe on the Edge of the World. Within a year after its release, word of mouth support from readers had spread that book across the globe – inspiring people on every continent, including Antarctica. It has been a #1 Bestseller in multiple countries.

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EPISODE #224: How Breathing Changes Your Body and Mind with Stuart Sandeman

(December 27, 2022) There is so much more to our breathing than simply our automatic inhales and exhales. In fact, our breathing has an immense hidden power to change the way we think and feel. This week I’m joined by Stuart Sandeman, breath coach, founder of Breathpod and author of Breathe In, Breathe Out: Restore Your Health, Reset Your Mind and Find Happiness Through Breathwork. Our breathing impacts our sleep, stress and how we manage pain. It has potential to help us focus better, perform better and connect more deeply with ourselves, others and the world around us. We just need to begin leveraging the power of the breath, which is simple but not always easy.

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EPISODE #223: Examining our Digital Lives with Bob Hutchins and Jenny Black

(December 20, 2022) If you’re struggling to make sense of the role technology plays in our lives, you’re not alone. Many of us are asking questions about boundaries and privacy, but also deeper questions about the purpose digital media has in our lives, and the costs and benefits of its presence. This week, we dive into questions about our digital lives with Bob Hutchins and Jenny Back, authors of Our Digital Soul: Collective Anxiety, Media Trauma and A Path Toward Recovery.

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EPISODE #222: Getting to the Heart of Who We Are with Caverly Morgan

(December 13, 2022) What does it mean to be in touch with the heart of who we are? That question is at the core of The Heart of Who We Are. Written by Caverly Morgan, a meditation teacher, author, speaker, and nonprofit founder, the book offers a pathway to contemplate such topics as our interconnectedness, our beingness, and the things that get in the way of us feeling whole and complete. This week we look at how awareness practices and contemplative technologies can transform our understanding of ourselves and the world.

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EPISODE #221: Think, Act, Be with Seth Gillihan

(December 6, 2022) This week I’m joined by Seth J. Gillihan, PhD, a licensed psychologist specializing in mindfulness-centered cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The focus of our conversation is on fostering patterns of thought that serve us well and encourage us to behave in ways that meet our goals. We will be discussing Seth’s new book, Mindful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Simple Path to Healing, Hope, and Peace, and exploring how we can all have more peace in our minds.

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EPISODE #220: How We Reparent Ourselves with Tara Schuster

(November 29, 2022) Tara Schuster had a rough childhood. By her mid-twenties, she was checking all the boxes on the outside but she was falling apart on the inside. Once she hit rock bottom, she began the process of rebuilding herself, essentially giving herself the parenting she’d never received, in order to start becoming the person she wanted to be. Her story and her process line the pages of her runaway hit, Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies, where she shares all the ways she learned to put herself back together.

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EPISODE #219: (Part Four) Ending Overwhelm Series: Have an Alert System

(November 24, 2022) Any number of things can come along to mess up the order we create and topple our well-built boundaries. Such is life. The trick is to have an early warning system that sets off alarms long before we hit overwhelm. In the early 1900s, miners used to keep caged canaries with them to warn them if dangerous gases, such as carbon monoxide, reached lethal levels. If the canary keeled over, it was time to evacuate. What is the canary in your coal mine?

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EPISODE #218: Set Better Boundaries with Melissa Urban

(November 22, 2022) Melissa Urban knows firsthand that boundaries are the key to feelings of contentment, confidence, and freedom in every area of life. Since launching the mega-bestselling wellness program the Whole30, she has taught millions of people how to establish healthy habits and successfully navigate pushback/pressure by learning to set clear limits that protect our energy, time, and health. Through The Book of Boundaries, Melissa’s latest creation, she demonstrates that boundaries are the key to better mental health, more fulfilling relationships, and a happier, more productive way of life.

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EPISODE #217: (Part Three) How to Say “No” More Often

(November 17, 2022) Feelings of overwhelm often directly correlate with being over capacity. We have too much on our plates. How did it all get on your plate in the first place? Some of it, of course, just ended up there because it’s part of the job. But some of the things on your plate you actually signed up for. Someone asked and you said “yes.” Today we’ll look at why you said “yes” and how to say “no” more often.

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EPISODE #216: How to Unleash Your Ideas with Becky Blades

(November 15, 2022) We live in a culture that values follow through and abhors quitting. But what is the hidden cost of all the things we never start because we’re afraid we might not follow through? To Becky Blades, the author of Start More Than You Can Finish: A Creative Permission Slip to Unleash Your Best Ideas, the value in acting on our ideas is not measured in grand planned finishes. The value is in each and every start. This week, Becky shares how we can all develop our inner “startistry’ and end the myth that not finishing equals failing.

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EPISODE #215: (Part Two) End Overwhelm Series: How To Do Less

(November 10, 2022) It can’t all matter. There’s got to be a way to rank everything that’s important in your life and identify the things that really aren’t. It’s going to take some time—meaning you’ll want to dedicate an hour or two—to get really real with yourself about what truly are the things that make your life a good life and which things are just a distraction. This week I’m going to share some insights from five different authors about how to do less.

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EPISODE #214: How Working Parents Thrive with Yael Schonbrun

(November 8, 2022) For those who work and also parent, it’s not uncommon to feel like you’re floundering at both. This is exactly how psychology professor and family therapist Yael Schonbrun felt when her two worlds of work and parenting collided. As she navigated her way through it, she learned some practical strategies from clinical psychology and social science to help her balance all of the meaningful roles in her life. In her new book, Work, Parent, Thrive, she shares how we can shift our experience with an inside-out approach to solving the working parent dilemma.

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EPISODE #213: (Part One) End Overwhelm Series: Know Your Capacity

(November 3, 2022) Today is the first of a four-part series on overwhelm. With the holidays coming and the end of the year in our sight, this is the season for feeling completely overloaded. I thought I would share some insights and strategies to help you make it through, peacefully ad gracefully. This is part one, which is all about understanding our true capacity.

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EPISODE #212: Upgrade Your Self-Talk with Kristen Helmstetter

(November 1, 2022) The chatter in our brains has a direct impact on how we feel and what we do. As Kristen Helmstetter began to tune into her self-talk, she realized she could harness her ability to talk to herself and turn it into a force for good. Her discoveries and practices have made their way into ten books about self-talk, including Coffee Self-Talk: 5 Minutes a Day to Start Living Your Magical Life, which is the topic of this week’s interview.

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EPISODE #211: Get to Know Your Neighbors

(October 27, 2022) I’ve been thinking about the status of neighbors and our interactions with them in this fast-paced and highly digitalized world we live in. How many of us actually know our neighbors? Maybe we’re missing out on a deep sense of belonging and community that could be built with the people who live right next door.

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EPISODE #210: The Healing Power of Dogs with Renee Alsarraf

(October 25, 2022) As an esteemed veterinary oncologist with nearly two decades of experience, Dr. Renee Alsarraf knew a lot about treating cancer, healing, and grief. Then she was given her own cancer diagnosis and she learned that our furry, four-legged, slobbering animals have so much to teach us about healing, positivity and unconditional love. Renee turned her experiences into the heartwarming book, Sit, Stay, Heal: What Dogs Can Teach Us About Living Well, where she shares life lessons about perfect dogs and their imperfect humans.

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EPISODE #209: Being Present in Your Body

(October 20, 2022) Being present in the body is a homecoming, a re-inhabiting, an opportunity to return to and reengage with ourselves. Attuning to the present moment, most often through our bodily senses, we experience the delight and beauty of being alive.

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EPISODE #208: Have a Conversation with Yourself with Corey Yeager

(October 18, 2022) With all of its noise and distraction, this world we live in isn’t really designed for regular personal reflection. And yet, it’s in the quiet moments with ourselves that we come to listen to our thoughts, get to know who we are, and tap into our innate wisdom. In his new book, How Am I Doing?: 40 Conversations to Have with Yourself, writer and therapist Corey Yeager explores how we can use intentional conversations with ourselves to develop more trust, connection, clarity and confidence. This week we explore some of these conversations.

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EPISODE #207: How to Tame the Mind

(October 13, 2022) A mind that is a minefield is one that can suddenly and easily unravel into anxiety, regret, shame or anger. But here’s the magic of the mind: when we do pay attention, we have the wonderful capacity to both think our thoughts AND witness ourselves thinking them. We are the thinker and the watcher all at once, which means when the uninvited memories and unwelcome worries arrive, we can notice that they’re there.

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EPISODE #206: Designing an On-Purpose Life with Tanya Dalton

(October 11, 2022) Tanya Dalton, author of On Purpose and The Joy of Missing Out, invites you to ask yourself this question: Are you filling your calendar or are you filling your soul? As a productivity expert, Tanya cares a lot about getting things done and achieving goals, but doing so with an unhurried purpose that we each can access when we stay true to our soul’s path and design our days on purpose. With simple shifts and innovative strategies, she offers the tools for us to create a more spacious, fulfilling life.

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EPISODE #205: How to Create More Ease at Work

(October 6, 2022) By slogging away at work, trying to cross off everything on an infinitely endless to-do list, are we really enriched by our work in the world? We lose ourselves in our doing. We create stress and lose access to the present, which is where we find our creativity, wisdom and intuition.

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EPISODE #204: Are You “Crushing” Life or Savoring It? with Vanessa Loder

(October 4, 2022) What if at the outset of any new endeavor—a new job, a new hobby, a new book—we gave ourselves permission to just try? What if we remember going in that we can always change our minds, that trying is just trying, not committing? I think we all need to fill our lives with more no-strings-attached tries. This week I share some ways to do just that.

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EPISODE #203: Permission to Change Your Mind

(September 29, 2022) What if at the outset of any new endeavor—a new job, a new hobby, a new book—we gave ourselves permission to just try? What if we remember going in that we can always change our minds, that trying is just trying, not committing? I think we all need to fill our lives with more no-strings-attached tries. This week I share some ways to do just that.

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EPISODE #202: Our Relationship with Food with Sarah Geha

(September 27, 2022) While it largely goes unexamined, we each have a relationship with food. Our thoughts and beliefs around what and why we eat forms the bedrock for how we nourish ourselves and, as a result, how we feel in our bodies and in our lives. This week I’m joined by Functional Nutritionist Sarah Geha for a conversation about our challenged relationship with food and eating, and ways we can rethink and rebuild this relationship.

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EPISODE #201: The Real Purpose of Mindfulness

(September 22, 2022) We hear a lot about mindfulness these days. In fact, I think we hear about it so much that we might have lost sight of what it actually is and what it’s actually for. Mindfulness is about being present, but it’s really about who we are being in the present when we consciously direct and choose how we want to show up in the world.

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EPISODE #200: Investing in Platonic Love with Marisa G. Franco

(September 20, 2022) How do we make and keep friends in an era of distraction, burnout, and chaos, especially in a society that often prizes romantic love at the expense of other relationships? This is the question Dr. Marisa G. Franco explores in her new book, Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make–and Keep—Friends. Using insights from attachment theory and the latest scientific research on friendship, Marisa shows us that making new friends, and deepening longstanding relationships, is not only possible but essential.

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EPISODE #199: What Would You Like to be Acknowledged For?

(September 15, 2022) Most people—even our own family and closest friends—have no idea what we have on our plate, how hard we’re trying, or what we’re accomplishing and creating. What if we got used to asking each other this question: What would you like to be acknowledged for? I’ll tell you from my own experience, an entirely different sort of exchange becomes possible.

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EPISODE #198: Mental Agility Matters with Elaine Fox

(September 13, 2022) Your ability to flex your thoughts, feelings, and actions can transform your life, bolster your resilience, and foster your zest for living. Elaine Fox, PhD, psychologist and researcher, studies the science of neurological flexibility. In her new book, Switch Craft: The Hidden Power of Mental Agility, Elaine explores how we can expand and improve our mental agility, and she shows why it is so critical to become as mentally agile as we can.

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EPISODE #197: Move Your Body, Change Your Mind with Erica Hornthal

(September 8, 2022) “If you want to show up in this life, you’ve got to begin by showing up in your body,” writes Erica Hornthal in her new book Body Aware. Erica believes it’s time to redefine what movement is and how it plays a role in our lives. As a licensed clinical professional counselor and board-certified dance/movement therapist, she helps people harness the power of movement and see that the way they might currently live in their body is not the only way. Awareness is the key to change and movement is the catalyst for awareness.

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EPISODE #196: How to Strengthen Your Gratitude Muscle (Weekly Nugget)

(September 7, 2022) Gratitude, as I’ve come to see it, is a skill that requires nurturing. The more you’re present to what you’re thankful for, the happier you’ll become. This week I offer two practices for strengthening your gratitude muscle.

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EPISODE #195: How to Fall Madly in Love with Your Life (Weekly Nugget)

(September 1, 2022) Are you madly in love with your life? Do you want to be? Being madly in love with your life will mean something different to everyone, of course, but I’ve discovered that there are a few common threads and universal through lines that can help us think about it for ourselves. And I wanted to share them with you this week.

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EPISODE #194: How to be a Wild and Free Family with Ainsley Arment

(August 30, 2022) As the author of The Wild and Free Family: Forging Your Own Path to a Life Full of Wonder, Adventure, and Connection and the founder and leader of the Wild + Free organization, Ainsley Arment thinks a lot about what it means to build a meaningful and fulfilling life together with our kids. In her book and in this week’s discussion, she explores topics of family culture, pursuing a shared vision together, and making space for childhood wonder to flourish.

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EPISODE #193: Work Anywhere, Live Anywhere with Melody Warnick

(August 23, 2022) Remote work exploded over the past two years, and as a result, millions of people now find themselves in the position to ask this life-changing question: If I can work anywhere, where shall I live? This is the inquiry that author Melody Warnick explores in her new book, If You Could Live Anywhere. Along the way she considers the importance of place, cost of living and community but also our leanings towards a nomadic life or living internationally. Warnick helps the “Anywhereist” discover the right place to do their best work but also live their best life.

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EPISODE #192: Career Self-Care with Minda Zetlin

(August 16, 2022) We spend a tremendous amount of our lives working. Work can give meaning, purpose and direction to your lives, and it can be the place where we shine, grow and make a difference. It can also be a source of great stress and strain, especially when our work and home life blurs or becomes out of balance. In her new book, Career Self-Care: Find Your Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment at Work, writer Minda Zetlin has explores dozens of concrete ways to improve work life in any kind of job or entrepreneurial setting. The key is taking steps to integrate self-care into work, including our mindset, our goals, the way we rest and the way we engage.

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EPISODE #191: (REPLAY) The Power of a Weekly Screen-Free Day with Tiffany Shlain

(August 9, 2022) There’s something powerful that happens when we give up screens one day a week. In her book, 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week, author and filmmaker Tiffany Shlain shares how her family have gained more time, productivity, connection, and presence by adopting the ancient ritual of Shabbat. Based on her own experience of taking a tech-free day, she humbly offers a blueprint for how we can become less available to the world and more connected to ourselves and the people we love.

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EPISODE #190: (REPLAY) Wander with Intention with Erika Owen

(August 2, 2022) Have you ever been walking home from work and unexpectedly took a different path just to curiously explore your neighborhood? Or have you been on a vacation and walked around a new city with no destination in mind? Then chances are, you’re a flaneur and you didn’t even know it! This week I welcome Erika Owen, the author of The Art of Flaneuring: How to Wander with Intention and Discover a Better Life.

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EPISODE #189: (REPLAY) Be a Wonder Seeker with Andrea Scher

(July 26, 2022) If you want to feel more joy and aliveness in your life, cultivate wonder. Our ability to place our attention on all the beauty and magic around us is directly connected to how joyful, grateful and happy we feel. According to writer and artist Andrea Scher, author of Wonder Seeker: 52 Ways to Wake Up Your Creativity and Find Your Joy, all we need to find wonder and awe is an open heart and a clear intention. When we do, it has the power to renew our spirits and reclaim our inner happiness.

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EPISODE #188: Living an Integrated Life with Sharon Schneider

(July 19, 2022) Each day we make dozens of choices, including how to spend our time, money and energy. In the new book, Handbook for an Integrated Life: A Practical Guide to Aligning Your Everyday Choices with Your Internal Compass, author and philanthropy expert Sharon Schneider explores the ways we can integrate our values and desires to do good in the world with the things we are already doing. From buying habits and ways we celebrate, to how we travel and where we live, all aspects of our lives can come into alignment with our values when we take the time to identify them and bring them into focus.

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EPISODE #187: Going Alcohol-Free with Veronica Valli

(July 12, 2022) There’s value in asking the question: is my relationship with alcohol working for me and my life? There’s a myth that we need alcohol to relax and have fun. But run a cost/benefit analysis, and really look at what alcohol may be costing you (and the amount of space it may take up in your head), and it’s possible to discover that maybe alcohol really doesn’t work for you at all. In her book, Soberful: Uncover a Sustainable, Fulfilling Life Free of Alcohol, author and sobriety coach Veronica Valli explores how we can rethink and reframe our relationship with alcohol, and develop the skills for a rich alcohol-free life.

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EPISODE #186: What is Wellness with Kerri Kelly

(July 5, 2022) From juice bars and meditation retreats to crystals and mindfulness apps, wellness has pervaded almost every aspect of our lives. In our uncertain and chaotic world, it’s not hard to imagine how hard we’re all trying to feel well. In fact, there’s a trillion-dollar wellness industry that is capitalizing on, perhaps even exploiting, our deep yearning to feel whole, steady and well. But it begs the question: what do we really need to feel well? And who has access to these things and who does not? These are just a few of the questions author and activist Kerri Kelly unpacks in this week’s interview and in her provocative book, American Detox: The Myth of Wellness and How We Can Truly Heal.

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EPISODE #185: Change Your Lunch Break, Change Your Life with Cheryl Johnson

(June 28, 2022) In the book, Box Lunch Lifestyle: Using Your Lunch Break to Win Back the Life You Deserve, author Cheryl Johnson uses the common, everyday experience of a lunch break as a kind of metaphor for how we live our lives. Are our breaks rushed with almost no time to nourish ourselves, or do we build boundaries so that we make time for what matters for us? Are we constantly flying by the seat of our pants or do we strategically place moments of calm and clarity in our day so we can pause and return to ourselves? As you’ll hear, box lunch lifestyle is a small change that can have a huge ripple effect.

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EPISODE #184: Why We Get Resilience Wrong with Steve Magness

(June 21, 2022) There are times when life requires us to have grit and to tough things out. But the hammer isn’t the only tool in our toolbox. Steve Magness, author of the book, Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness, offers a new model for how we can respond to our struggles, stressors and discomforts. A performance scientist who coaches Olympic athletes, he challenges us to trade in our broken model of resilience, based on powering through at all cost, for one grounded in the latest science and psychology, and focused on accessing our awareness and discernment.

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EPISODE #183: How to Microdose Bravery with Kristen Lee

(June 14, 2022) Resilience isn’t something we’re innately born with; it’s something we develop over time. In her new book, Worth the Risk: How to Microdose Bravery to Grow Resilience, Connect More, and Offer Yourself to the World, author and behavioral science researcher Kristen Lee shares how bravery is a process that we can undergo with intention. By engaging in strategic risk-taking and using small, intentional acts of courage, we can build resilience, confidence, and connection.

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EPISODE #182: Habitual Self-Awareness with Michele Nevarez

(June 7, 2022) Our ability to be conscious of and to direct our own thoughts and emotions forms the bedrock of our emotional intelligence and self-awareness. As we raise our awareness of our inner workings, we may discover that our mind is made up of mental habits that cause us to interpret the world around us and act accordingly. In her book, Beyond Emotional Intelligence: A Guide to Accessing Your Full Potential, author Michele Nevarez explores the influence these mental habits have over our lives and the ways we can work with them to give us more agency.

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EPISODE #181: The Power in Slowing Down with Jessie Asya Kanzer

(May 31, 2022) When we can take a step back from our culture of constant motion and self-improvement, we may start to see the power in slowing down and making room for stillness in our lives. In her new book, Don’t Just Sit There, Do Nothing, author Jessie Asya Kanzer shares her experience of using the Tao Te Ching to ground her life in intuition, and insight. The result is practical actionable insights on incorporating simple wisdom into the everyday living of life.

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EPISODE #180: Energetic Balance with David Gandelman

(May 24, 2022) David Gandelman has helped thousands of students look within to find their own answers to life’s big questions: Who am I? What am I here to do? How can I find happiness? In his new book, The Seven Energies of the Soul, he explores the concept that there are seven potent energies that exist within each individual soul. When any one or more of these energies is out of balance, our lives can become chaotic and unfulfilled. To David, each of us has the power to evaluate our energetic strengths and weaknesses, and work toward spiritual and energetic balance. We start by attuning inwards.

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EPISODE #179: Repot Your Life with Frances Edmonds

(May 17, 2022) Have you ever felt stuck, lost, uninspired, or simply bored? When we’ve left a houseplant too long in a pot that’s too small, the plant will eventually stop growing and die. We humans are not much different. In her new book, Repotting Your Life: Sense When You’re Stuck. Explore What’s Possible. Claim Room to Grow, author Frances Edmonds explores how we can look at our lives and see when we’ve become pot bound, or said another way, in need of growth and change. We’re designed to grow and flourish. Sometimes the answer is to repot.

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EPISODE #178: Be Your Own Oracle with Amber Rae

(May 10, 2022) For those of us who are seekers, sometimes our next move isn’t always clear. As we try to predict and plan, we can often look outside for clarity. But for Amber Rae, author of The Answers Are Within You: 108 Keys to Unlock Your Mind, Body & Soul, we are our own oracle. By simply posing deep questions, and making the space to look inside for the answers, we can gain the clarity and courage to trust ourselves and chart our way forward.

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EPISODE #177: Changing Your Age Beliefs with Becca Levy

(May 3, 2022) When it comes to aging well, we often think about increasing our health and doing what we can to lower our risk of disease. But author and researcher Becca Levy sees another aspect of aging we ought to consider: our beliefs. In her new book, Breaking the Age Code: How Your Age Beliefs Determine How Long and Well You Live, Becca outlines a science-backed argument for how aging isn’t just a physiological experience, it’s a social and physiological one, too.

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EPISODE #176: Good Enough with KC Davis

(April 26, 2022) If you or someone you know is struggling to stay on top of your life—your to-do list, home, hygiene, meals, etc.—consider that it’s not because you’re lazy, even if this is what you’ve been told. Author KC Davis wants you to know this: messiness is not a moral failing. In her new book, How to Keep House While Drowning: A Gentle Approach to Cleaning and Organizing, KC takes on our ‘push harder, be better’ culture and all the shame that goes along with seemingly not being able to measure up. Instead, she invites us to take a kinder, more compassionate approach to ourselves during those moments when life overwhelms us.

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EPISODE #175: Reclaiming Wellness with Jovanka Ciares

(April 19, 2022) Jovanka Ciares, author of Reclaiming Wellness: Ancient Wisdom For Your Healthy, Happy, And Beautiful Life, sees wellness as a birthright we reclaim, versus something we pursue or struggle for. There are so many tools we can integrate as we travel along our own wellness path, including ancient tools like plant medicine, hypnosis, meditation and tai-chi. The key is opening up our awareness and increasing our curiosity.

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EPISODE #174: Gratefulness as a Way of Life with Kristi Nelson (replay)

(March 29, 2022) We tend to think of gratitude as something we practice once in a while. But Kristi Nelson, author of Wake Up Grateful and executive director of A Network for Grateful Living, sees it differently. To her, gratitude is about living a grateful way of life and cultivating a perspective of gratefulness that influences our entire approach to how we show up in life. With a ‘take nothing for granted’ commitment to living, Kristi invites us to explore what it means to treasure, savor, appreciate, cherish and celebrate our lives.

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EPISODE #173: How to Save Your Relationship with Matthew Fray

(March 22, 2022) Not all relationships end because of one traumatic event. For author Matthew Fray, divorce is more like death by a thousand cuts. In his new book, This Is How Your Marriage Ends: A Hopeful Approach to Saving Relationships, Matthew looks at his personal experience in his divorce, as well as the experience he’s gleaned as a relationship coach, to identify and address relationship-killing behavior and patterns that lead to divorce. Matthew exposes the root cause of so many relationships gone wrong, as well as the necessary skills we need to cultivate if we want to avoid alienating our partners and creating mistrust.

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EPISODE #172: True Humility with Gavin Seah

(March 15, 2022) Self-development has many benefits but it’s interesting to notice that it’s focused on the self. That’s an insight author Gavin Seah explores in his book, True Humility: Finding Peace and Balance in Today’s Modern Society. Could it be that our growth is stunted when it’s not shared with others? Are we missing out on true happiness by keeping our growth to ourselves and not using it to impact others? These are some of the questions Gavin tackles as he encourages readers to see how we can take what we’re learning to not only better ourselves, but to better mankind.

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EPISODE #171: How to Make More Time for Yourself

(March 8, 2022) When we look at the landscape of our lives and notice that most of our time is given to others, it can provoke feelings of unfairness, resentment or grief. In the midst of all of your commitments, obligations and relationships, there’s a “you” in there that would like his or her fair share of the pie. Being intentional about creating more time for ourselves is less about having a “me first” mentality and more about having a “me too” approach.

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EPISODE #170: Creating Clarity with Rebecca Ribbing

(March 1, 2022) As the saying goes, we need to look before we leap. But when we feel the nudge (or the shove) of change, how do we see clearly what’s ahead and how to navigate it? For Becca Ribbing, it’s all about go inward for the answers for moving forward. Becca is the author of The Clarity Journal, which is filled with over 100 thought-provoking writing prompts and quotes designed to create the clarity and momentum we all crave.

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EPISODE #169: Mindfully Using Social Media with Brian A. Primack

(February 22, 2022) Social media is an incredible tool… if we use it the right way. In his book, You Are What You Click, internationally acclaimed behavioral scientist and social media expert Brian Primack writes that we do not need to swear off social media, delete all our online accounts, or give up our phones to live healthier, happier lives. Instead, he empowers us to take back control with a simple approach: being more selective, positive, and creative with our lives online. The key is creating intentional and healthy social media habits, and personalizing our tech diet so we can enjoy a fruitful, balanced relationship with social media.

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EPISODE #168: The Neuroscience of Grief with Mary-Frances O’Connor

(February 15, 2022) Beyond the emotional experience of loss, researchers are now discovering what happens in our brain when we grieve. In her new book, The Grieving Brain, neuroscientist and psychologist Mary-Frances O’Connor, PhD, shares a fascinating scientific perspective on the universal experience of grief, providing a new paradigm for understanding love, loss, and learning. O’Connor has devoted decades to researching the effects of grief on the brain, and makes the cutting-edge neuroscience accessible so that we can better understand what happens when we grieve and how to navigate loss with more ease and grace.

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EPISODE #167: Struggle Less & Flourish More with Nataly Kogan

(February 8, 2022) Here’s a thought to consider: Challenges in life are constant, but struggle is optional. In her new book, The Awesome Human Project: Break Free from Daily Burnout, Struggle Less, and Thrive More in Work and Life, entrepreneur, speaker, and author Nataly Kogan explores the idea that while life certainly has its ups and downs, we can learn to move through it with more ease when we use the right tools. These include strengthening our emotional fitness skills and creating a more supportive relationship with ourselves in order to reduce self-doubt start to live, work, and lead with more energy, joy, and meaning, even during difficult times.

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EPISODE #166: The Healing Power of Storytelling with Annie Brewster

(February 1, 2022) When Harvard-trained physician Dr. Annie Brewster was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2001, she realized firsthand that the medical system was failing her in one critical way: she didn’t feel seen or heard. Her doctors weren’t listening. This experience launched her onto a path to discover how exploring and sharing her healing journey, and becoming the author of her own story, taught her to integrate her traumatic health event into her new and evolving identity. Annie now uses applied storytelling techniques to help others strengthen connections and cultivate resilience to move forward amid uncertainty and fear.

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EPISODE #165: Sketch Your Way Through Big Emotions

(January 25, 2022) During a difficult time in her life, author Sheila Darcey found that the act of sketching and freestyle drawing—of giving a physical form to her thoughts, emotions and ideas—was an impactful way to process what she was feeling. Expression through the pen, she came to discover, can heal. In this episode, Sheila shares her journey and the process she calls SketchPoetic, a daily sketching practice with the power to become a powerful catalyst for transformation.

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EPISODE #164: Intentional Friendships

(January 19, 2022) Friends are not just nice to have; they make us mentally and physiologically healthy, and they add contentment, meaning and joy to our lives. But not all friendships are created equally. In her new book, How to Break Up with Your Friends: Finding Meaning, Connection, and Boundaries in Modern Friendships, author Erin Falconer invites us to take stock of the friendships in our lives, not only to see which friendships may not be serving us but to also see ways to deeply commit to those that do.

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EPISODE #163: Solving the Upper Limit Problem

(January 12, 2022) Have you ever noticed that life can be going well—we’re feeling happy and successful—and then it slowly starts to slide? Could it be that we self-sabotage our progress whenever we start to expand beyond the level of contentment and achievement we’re used to having in the past? Gay Hendricks, author of several books, including The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level, explores the concept of having an “Upper Limit Problem” and how we can identify and transcend it to move beyond our limiting beliefs and set points.

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EPISODE #162: Your Best Year Ever

(January 4, 2022) We’ve got a brand-new year ahead of us. Forget New Year’s resolutions. Instead, consider what the year ahead would look if it was filled with everything that makes you happy, or as John Strelecky calls it, adding the most minutes of your life into your happy bank. The author of several books, including The Cafe on the Edge of the World, John shares his thoughts on how we can look ahead to 2022 with hope and optimism, but also with a solid strategy for creating more joy and fulfillment.

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EPISODE #161: The Story of You

(December 28, 2021) According to Ian Morgan Cron, author of The Story of You: An Enneagram Journey to Becoming Your True Self, we each create a strategy in order to navigate our early years of life. However, at some point this strategy (or story) stops being helpful in our lives. Using the Enneagram, an ancient personality typing system with an uncanny accuracy in describing how human beings are wired, Ian encourages us to rethink and rewrite our negative, outdated stories to ultimately become our true selves.

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EPISODE #160: Learning from Difficult People

(December 14, 2021) We all will experience challenging people in our lives. Author Mark Westmoquette calls them troublesome Buddhas because we can see them as teachers or opportunities to grow. Using the teachings of mindfulness and Zen, we can begin to see ways to break free from knee-jerk response patterns and see if these people may prove to be useful teachers in life.

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EPISODE #159: Escape the Hustle

(December 7, 2021) Hustle culture, this idea that we ought to make working, striving and achieving the centerpiece of our lives, might have deep roots these days but so too does the anti-hustle movement, which serves to value balance and rest as part of accomplishment. Author Matthew Turner sees the hustle has being deeply ingrained in modern society, exasperated like never before by technology and social media. But there is something beyond the toxic hustle mindset. The secret is intention.

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EPISODE #158: How to Create a Thrive Tribe

(November 30, 2021) Live deliberately. Actively engage in your personal evolution. Bring attention and intention to growing and becoming the best version of yourself. Be on your journey like it matters. This is what thriving looks like. We need thrive tribes so that we’re not growing in silos; we’re growing together. And that togetherness makes us feel nourished, challenged and, honestly, more alive.

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EPISODE #157: Redesigning our Mental Patterns

(November 23, 2021) When it comes to creating the lives we want, we’re often told that we need to focus on things like commitment, willpower, positive thinking or goal-setting. But Adele Spraggon, author of the book, SHIFT: 4 Steps to Personal Empowerment, thinks there’s actually somewhere else we should be paying attention, and that’s our mental patterns. Current brain research shows that our decisions are the result of decision-making patterns that were created early in life and yet they continue to set the direction of our lives. But these are only patterns and patterns can be changed.

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EPISODE #155: Make Peace with Your Mind

(November 9, 2021) You are not your thoughts! This is the fundamental insight that weaves its way through Just a Thought: A No-Willpower Approach to Overcome Self-Doubt and Make Peace with Your Mind, a new book by life coach and psychologist Amy Johnson, PhD. Imagine we can learn to transcend unhelpful and noisy thoughts and focus our awareness onto something quieter and deeper. This is true peace of mind and its accessible to everyone.

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EPISODE #156: Be a Wonder Seeker

(November 16, 2021) If you want to feel more joy and aliveness in your life, cultivate wonder. Our ability to place our attention on all the beauty and magic around us is directly connected to how joyful, grateful and happy we feel. According to writer and artist Andrea Scher, author of Wonder Seeker: 52 Ways to Wake Up Your Creativity and Find Your Joy, all we need to find wonder and awe is an open heart and a clear intention. When we do, it has the power to renew our spirits and reclaim our inner happiness.

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EPISODE #154: What’s Taking Up Space

(November 2, 2021) We carry a lot. Sometimes it’s worry or regret. Maybe we have unfinished projects or unresolved conflict weighing us down. Maybe it’s just clutter. Regardless, our thoughts take up space, especially when they seem to go unresolved, feel unsettled or cause us to ruminate for long periods of time without any productive action or resolution. This week I offer my thoughts on how to identify what may be taking up (too much) space in your mind, burdening you unnecessarily and robbing you of energy and creativity that would be best served elsewhere.

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EPISODE #153: Self-Care Can Change the World with Shelly Tygielski

(October 26, 2021) We are each born with a sense of agency and the ability to rise up and become a force for good. But unless we’re effectively resourced, in part through self-care, we limit what we have to give to the world. In her new book, Sit Down to Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World, Shelly Tygielski sees self-care as truly a selfless act, and a way to expand our view of the “self” to include our family, community, human beings across the globe, and the natural world.

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EPISODE #152: Your Soul’s Adventure with Kori Hahn

(October 19, 2021) Is the life you are living based on logical reason and society’s expectations, or are you doing exactly what makes your heart beat a little faster with passion and enthusiasm? If you listened more intently to what your heart wants, what would you be doing? What are your dreams, and why aren’t you living them at the moment? These are the questions that author Kori Hahn explores in her new book, Rituals of the Soul: Using the 8 Ancient Principles of Yoga to Create a Modern & Meaningful Life. When we listen to the soul, and enable our bravest and best selves, we start to move to where we most want to be.

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EPISODE #151: Self-Awareness 101 with Beth Gibbs

(October 12, 2021) There is an inner wisdom in each of us when we take the time to look inside. Not only do we have the capacity to know and understand ourselves, but we can also steer ourselves, evolve, grow and change. This process all happens through self-awareness, which is a consciousness of self: our feelings, motives, desires, beliefs, tendencies, and thoughts, and all the ways we engage with the world around us.

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EPISODE #150: How to be Sad with Helen Russell

(October 5, 2021) We think a lot about being happy and ways to achieve lasting happiness. In fact, research has found that we often see sadness as a weakness and that many of us are, in a way, afraid to be sad. But Helen Russell, author of How to Be Sad: Everything I’ve Learned About Getting Happier by Being Sad, sees value in sadness. Helen has researched sadness from the inside out for her entire life, discovering that the key to happiness is unhappiness. Turns out that when we allow ourselves to experience pain, we learn to truly appreciate and embrace joy.

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EPISODE #149: The Higher Self with Donna Bond

(September 28, 2021) When we embark on a spiritual path, one that aims to have us understand life, ourselves and each other at a deeper level, we may start to see that we have a deep intelligence that offers a bigger perspective and wisdom. It’s something beyond our rational, logical and thinking mind. This is the higher self. Donna Bond, author of Original Wisdom: Harness the Power of the Authentic You, differentiates our Human Self—the one consumed with navigating day-to-day reality—from our Higher Self—which is the truest, wisest, calmest core of who we are.

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EPISODE #148: The Art of Enough with Becky Hall

(September 21, 2021) To author and coach Becky Hall, finding a space between the poles of scarcity and excess is the challenge of our age. For decades, her work has aimed to help us each explore our own version of enough so that we can find the balance and boundaries we all need for ourselves and for our world. In her new book, The Art of Enough, she offers a practical guidebook designed to cultivate sufficiency and peace for healthy self-belief, work pace and sustainable living, so we can all move from striving to thriving.

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EPISODE #147: The Power of Sleep with Renata Alexandre

(September 14, 2021) Sleep impacts everything. In addition to being a foundational aspect of our wellbeing, it also underpins how we bring our best selves to the world. In essence, it contributes to our thriving and flourishing. And yet, we can so easily shortchange it with bad habits or in order to achieve more or do more. In her new book, Better Daily Sleep Habits: Simple Changes with Lifelong Impact, Renata Alexandre explores how to cultivate and safeguard great sleep in order to live a well and happy life.

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EPISODE #146: Practice, Persistence and the Art of Self with Jeeyoon Kim

(September 7, 2021) As a professional concert pianist, Jeeyoon Kim has built a career on the foundation of daily practice and unwavering persistence. Along the way, she’s learned how to transcend her feelings and whims in order to commit to her work. In her new book, Whenever You’re Ready: How to Compose the Life of Your Dreams, Jeeyoon shares how success stems from disciplines, practices, and mindsets that we live out every day.

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EPISODE #141: The Myths and Magic of Mindful Living with Rebecca Pacheco

(August 3, 2021) Mindful living can include formal meditation but it’s mostly about how we pay attention to life as it’s happening in the everyday moments of our everyday lives. In her new book, Still Life: The Myths and Magic of Mindful Living, renowned yogi meditation teacher Rebecca Pacheco offers insights and practices for how to live a more present, contemplative life. As we do, we create space for peace and calm, but also for our own mental, emotional, and spiritual grappling.

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EPISODE #140: The Science of Bullshit with John V. Petrocelli

(July 27, 2021) John V. Petrocelli, an experimental social psychologist and Professor of Psychology at Wake Forest University, thinks a lot about contaminated thinking and bad decision-making. In his new book, The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit, he looks at why we’re all susceptible to bullshit (sharing it and receiving it) and also the far-reaching consequences of toxic misinformation. With a little dose of skepticism, a commitment to truth seeking and John’s critical thinking defensive tactics, we can all become bullshit detectives.

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EPISODE #139: Living Beyond Subconscious Patterns with Frances Yahia

(July 20, 2021) The subconscious mind has enormous influence over the day-to-day living of our lives. We each have patterns that were formed at the very early stages of our lives, but these continue to still play out decades later, and not always in healthy ways. In her book, The Seven Gates: Seven Steps Beyond Self-Awareness, Frances Yahia explores a model for understanding why we attract patterns in our lives and how we can shift the subconscious to stop repeating unhealthy, subconscious patterns. The result is a way of living life consciously and authentically, being the truest version of ourselves.

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EPISODE #138: Living by Design with Richard J. Leider

(July 13, 2021) Most of us have asked the question: what am I going to be when I grow up? Richard Leider asks, WHO do I want to be when I grow up? In his new book, Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Old?: The Path of Purposeful Aging, he invites us to explore the difference between living a default life versus living a created life. The key is to deliberately choose to keep growing and to live life with curiosity and courage. The key is to live a life of purpose.

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EPISODE #137: Mindfulness Habits with Kristen Manieri

(July 6, 2021) Mindfulness is a powerful tool for staying calm, centered, and steady―but it can be challenging to remember to stay mindful. Meditation is helpful, but real change happens when we can integrate mindfulness into the everyday living of our lives through habits. In this episode, I’m interviewed by my friend and fellow author, Erica Boucher, about my new book, Better Daily Mindfulness Habits: Simple Changes with Lifelong Impact, which comes out July 13, 2021.


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EPISODE #136: Wonder, Surprise and Finding Your Genius Zone with Gay Hendricks

(June 29, 2021) Gay Hendricks, author of the new book, The Genius Zone, and the bestselling classic, The Big Leap, thinks a lot about how we thrive. For over four decades, he’s narrowed his focus on the life-altering practice of helping people reach their potential through discovering their Genius Zone. When we’re there, life feels filled with wonder, surprise, joy, meaning, fulfillment and curiosity. In essence, we thrive.

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EPISODE #135: Gratefulness as a Way of Life with Kristi Nelson

(June 22, 2021) We tend to think of gratitude as something we practice once in a while. But Kristi Nelson, author of Wake Up Grateful and executive director of A Network for Grateful Living, sees it differently. To her, gratitude is about living a grateful way of life and cultivating a perspective of gratefulness that influences our entire approach to how we show up in life. With a ‘take nothing for granted’ commitment to living, Kristi invites us to explore what it means to treasure, savor, appreciate, cherish and celebrate our lives.

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EPISODE #134: Rethinking Meditation with Murray Du Plessis

(June 15, 2021) If you’ve been trying to empty your mind during meditation, you may have experienced a lot of frustration and disappointment in your practice. In his book, Modern Meditations: 101 Ways to Slow Down & Connect to Spirit, author and meditation teacher Murray du Plessis encourages a different approach, seeing meditation as an inner adventure of discovery and an opportunity to develop a deeper, gentler relationship with ourselves on and off the meditation cushion.

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EPISODE #133: Permission to Thrive with Regina Louise

(June 8, 2021) Regina Louise is fierce. You’d have to be to have gotten through what she’s experienced in her lifetime. But she’s turned her adversity into fuel and turned the insights from her life trials and tribulations into wisdom. Along the way, she’s learned to live unapologetically and fearlessly. Through her book, Permission Granted, she’s inspiring others to do the same.

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EPISODE #132: Pro Strategies for Lifelong Learners with Barbara Oakley & Olav Schewe

(June 1, 2021) Some people never stop learning. They are endlessly curious about the world and all the ways we can understand and experience it more fully. As someone who identifies as a lifelong learner, I’m interested and invested in ways to learn better and retain more. Turns out there is a ton of neuroscience and cognitive psychology research behind how to upgrade our learning. In their new book, Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything, Dr. Barbara Oakley and Olav Schewe unpack this research and deliver tangible strategies for becoming a better learner.

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EPISODE #131: The Case for Kindness with Bruce Reyes-Chow

(May 25, 2021) When we’re not really thinking about it, we might define kindness as being nice, polite and agreeable. But Bruce Reyes-Chow, author of In Defense of Kindness: Why It Matters, How It Changes Our Lives, and How It Can Save the World, looks a few layers deeper. To Bruce, kindness is a decision to use every interaction as an opportunity build up the people in our lives. Kindness takes courage, practice and, at times, herculean restraint, but it’s our pathway to healing, wholeness, and hope in ourselves and the world. It’s an adventure of discovery and rediscovery of kindness of heart, mind, spirit, and action.

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EPISODE #130: The Undeniable Value of a Retreat with Kirsteen MacLeod

(May 17, 2021) These days, disengaging, even briefly, is seen by many as self-indulgent and unproductive. Yet creating space for solitude, reflection and deliberate restoration and rejuvenation is a basic human need. Everyone can benefit, whether it’s for a weekend, a month, or a lifetime. Through her book, In Praise of Retreat: Finding Sanctuary in the Modern World, author Kirsteen MacLeod takes readers on an engaging and inspiring journey into our modern ways of retreating.

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EPISODE #129: The Profound Identity Shift of Motherhood with Ilyse Dobrow DiMarco

(May 11, 2021) Becoming a mother is a joyful rite of passage, but it can also bring overwhelming emotional upheaval, exhaustion, and self-doubt. And is it any wonder? Motherhood changes everything, right down to a woman’s brain chemistry. In her new book, Mom Brain: Proven Strategies to Fight the Anxiety, Guilt, and Overwhelming Emotions of Motherhood–And Relax Into Your New Self, Ilyse Dobrow DiMarco, Ph.D (mother of two) offers a compassionate, science-based psychological strategy for helping moms cope with common challenges and make peace with their transformed identity.

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EPISODE #128: The Amazing Female Brain with Tracy Packiam Alloway

(May 4, 2021) Neuroimaging clearly shows that the female brain has many unique strengths. Whether it’s related to decision-making, leadership or relationships, the female brain has exceptional competencies. And yet, women often believe disempowering myths about themselves. In her new book, Think Like a Girl: 10 Unique Strengths of a Woman’s Brain and How to Make Them Work for You, award-winning psychologist, professor, and TEDx speaker Dr. Tracy Packiam Alloway invites us to dispel the myths and stop underestimating our abilities and stunting our successes.

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EPISODE #127: Getting into Action for Personal Growth with Kate Eckman

(April 27, 2021) Growing takes work. When we choose to take on our personal evolution with intention but also effort, that’s when we start to truly grow, stretch and strengthen ourselves. In The Full Spirit Workout, author Kate Eckman draws from her multifaceted training (as an athlete, executive leadership coach and meditation teacher) to present daily mind-body-spirit exercises and neuroscience-based practices that keep us engaged in our growth and moving toward our goals.

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EPISODE #126: Creativity, Joy and Self-Discovery with Jacob Nordby

(April 20, 2021) Creativity is not limited to artists. In fact, every human being is creative, and having a regular creative practice is a vital key to a happy and fulfilling life. But, if we don’t exercise our creativity regularly, our lives can feel dull, stagnant, and colorless. In his powerful book, The Creative Cure: How Finding and Freeing Your Inner Artist Can Heal Your Life, author and creative coach Jacob Nordby offers creativity as a pathway to joy and self-discovery, and a way to reinvigorate the soul.

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EPISODE #125: How to Become Deeply Curious About Other People with Ximena Vengoechea

(April 13, 2021) When we’re not paying attention, listening is something we mostly do on autopilot. We hear people but we’re often missing crucial opportunities to go deeper and create authentic, lasting connections. In her book, Listen Like You Mean It: Reclaiming the Lost Art of True Connection, Ximena Vengoechea shares tried-and-true strategies and techniques for not only improving listening and building rapport, but for discovering who people truly are at their core. Honed in her own research sessions and drawn from interviews, Ximena offers a warm, funny and immensely practical approach to learning to listen with intention and attention.

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EPISODE #124: You Are Normal with Emily Nagoski

(April 6, 2021) “You are normal; it is the world around you that’s broken” writes Emily Nagoski in her New York Times bestselling book, Come As You Are (The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life). Using a research, data-based approach to understanding female sexuality, Emily aims to help women embrace and celebrate their bodies and sexual response mechanisms in a world that urges them to judge and second-guess themselves. Her approach to women’s sexuality is a transformative pathway to better sex and wellbeing.

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EPISODE #123: Understanding Your Empathic Nature with Wendy de Rosa

(March 30, 2021) In many ways, we are a head-centered species. But the trouble with being so caught up in our minds is that we neglect to tap into our intuition and deep inner guidance system, which live in the body. The body is also where we feel our innate vibrancy, aliveness and wisdom. In her book, Becoming an Empowered Empath: How to Clear Energy, Set Boundaries & Embody Your Intuition, author Wendy De Rosa helps us become more embodied, grounded and present.

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EPISODE #122: Lessons from Lockdown with Marie-Claire Donnelly

(March 23, 2021) The global pandemic has brought heartache and sadness, but it’s also given us opportunities to think more deeply about how we live our lives and to learn and grow from diversity. Through her book, It Is What It Is: Universal And Everlasting Lessons From Lockdown, Marie-Claire Donnelly shares her experience of using lockdown to go deep within and find the silver lining in such an unexpected situation. Along the way, she reconnects with the importance of faith, self-acceptance, and ultimately, self-love.

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EPISODE #121: Life Admin and How to Conquer It with Elizabeth Emens

(March 16, 2021) There is an invisible labor in life that we rarely notice or address. Whether it’s forms at a doctor’s office, scheduling flights, asking for a refund, coordinating school activities, weddings, funerals or births, we all face an onslaught of paperwork. It seems that life admin just comes with everyday living, but through her book, The Art of Life Admin: How To Do Less, Do It Better, and Live More, Elizabeth Emens aims to help us do less, do better and live more.

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EPISODE #120: How to Dream Bigger with John Strelecky

(March 9, 2021) There are people who seem to go after their dreams with relentless tenacity. This week’s guest is one of these people. A world traveler and bestselling author, John Strelecky walked away from his corporate job nearly two decades ago and has never looked back. Along the way, he’s learned a few things about how to win at this game of life, including overcoming fear and getting comfortable with uncertainty, having a clear vision and finding flow with life. He shares these insights in his books, but also in this week’s episode.

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EPISODE #119: How to Prioritize Pleasure with Angie Byrd

(March 2, 2021) Feeling good is something we all deserve. In fact, joy is an essential part of our well-being. This week, we welcome to the podcast Angie Byrd, who works with women to reawaken their innate wellspring of vibrancy through pleasure. Joy and delight are not luxuries but an integral part of living. This week’s episode is all about how we can learn to savor, delight and rejoice in everyday pleasures.

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EPISODE #118: Mindful Eating with Michelle Babb

(February 23, 2021) Thanks to counting calories, food fads and restrictive diets, food can become a chore, even a source of stress. In a way, the science of eating has sucked the joy out of mealtime. This week’s guest want us to return to the art of eating. The author of Mastering Mindful Eating, author and registered dietitian Michelle Babb suggests we say goodbye to dieting and instead embrace a new approach, one where we mindfully savor our food and make eating a sacred ritual.

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EPISODE #117: How to Develop Intuition with Kim Chestney

(February 16, 2021) Intuition is a universal skill, but not all of us have learned to develop, strengthen and nurture it. “Your intuition speaks to you every day; all you need to do is learn to understand it,” writes author Kim Chestney in her new book, Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Using Your Inner Power. When we move beyond the limits of our thinking mind and tap into an inner wisdom beyond our intellect and reason, we have the opportunity to expand our consciousness and understand the world like never before.

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EPISODE #116: Wellness and Resilience with Naz Beheshti

(February 8, 2021) Our culture tends to prioritize doing well over being well. But the truth is, we can have both — success and well-being. The new book, Pause. Breathe. Choose.: Become the CEO of Your Well-Being, gives readers a method for mastering mindfulness, managing stress, building resilience, and being a leader in our own well-being journey. Author Naz Beheshti joins us this week to share her insights for living your best life in a holistic, grounded way.

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EPISODE #115: How to Create a Thrive Tribe with Laura Campbell

(February 2, 2021) Our growth is an infinite process of discovery, uncovering and, as this week’s guest calls it, unfolding. When we give ourselves permission to become the fullest expression of who we are, we learn that we can continuously find new layers and depths to ourselves. This week I’m joined by Laura Campbell, a recognized author, speaker, and trainer who believes that when we journey through this life in the loving witness of a supportive tribe, we can expand our growth edges. Through all of our seasons and stages, we all need compassionate, non-judgemental support.

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EPISODE #114: Rituals, Routines and Belonging with Erica Keswin

(January 26, 2021) Rituals matter. The way we bring ourselves to our work and our relationships has an impact. In her book, Rituals Roadmap: The Human Way to Transform Everyday Routines Into Workplace Magic, Erica Keswin explores how we can turn things we do over and over again into opportunities to create deep connection and purpose for our work and home lives. Rituals have the power to cultivate a deep sense of belonging and, when used intentionally, to create stronger teams, families and communities.

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EPISODE #113: How to Connect with Your Kids with Roma Khetarpal

(January 19, 2021) Parents today face extreme pressure to get everything exactly right, which can make parenting feel so stressful. In her book, The ”Perfect” Parent: 5 Tools for Using Your Inner Perfection to Connect with Your Kids, author Roma Khetarpal offers new clarity and a parenting approach that’s rooted in using our inner parenting perfection to nurture a strong, communicative connection with our kids. Drawing from the fields of personal growth and emotional intelligence and distilling cutting-edge scientific research, Khetarpal helps parents strengthen their bond with their kids and enjoy the ride along the way.

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EPISODE #112: What It Means to Live Authentically with Erica Boucher

(January 12, 2021) Author Erica Boucher believes your relationship with others, and with life itself, is only as good as, and as honest as, your relationship with yourself. By peeling away our layers, and embarking on a very gentle journey back home to ourselves, we not only get to know who we are but we also begin to consciously and intentionally create the life we’re meant to live.

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EPISODE #111: Slow Down, Breathe, and Just Be with Catherine Polan Orzech

(January 5, 2021) In our busy, high-stress lives, sometimes we all need to slow down, breathe, and just be. In her new book, A Moment for Me: 52 Simple Mindfulness Practices to Slow Down, Relieve Stress, and Nourish the Spirit, author Catherine Polan Orzech, MA, LMFT, offers simple, take-anywhere rituals to bring more ease and insight into our daily lives. We learn that self-care and space is less about setting aside time and more about being differently in what we are already doing.

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EPISODE #110: Physical and Spiritual Realignment with Tara Stiles

(December 29, 2020) Over worked, over connected and inundated with toxicity, many of us live a frantic, frazzled life with very little room for true wellness. Through her book, Clean Mind, Clean Body, author and wellness expert Tara Stiles offers a blueprint for how we can hit the reset button and fill our daily routines with transformative self-care habits. When we make the space for mental and spiritual detox, when we intentionally change the way we eat and move, we heal and thrive.

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EPISODE #109: How to Become a Conscious Consumer with Rebecca Grace Andrews

(December 22, 2020) A foundation of adopting a more sustainable and earth-friendly lifestyle, and fighting climate change, is a commitment to reducing how much waste we each produce. Rebecca Grace Andrews, author of How to Go (Almost) Zero Waste: Over 150 Steps to More Sustainable Living at Home, School, Work, and Beyond, shares that the key to change is by taking small, manageable steps instead of quantum leaps.

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EPISODE #108: Mindful Sex with Maci Daye

(December 15, 2020) Great sex is mindful sex. When we meet the fullness of a moment with our attention and focus, rather than trying to get somewhere or worrying about whether we’re doing something right, so much richness greets us. But we get stuck in mindless sex. After the initial chemical cocktail of arousal and attraction wears off, as it inevitably does, most couples end up feeling disappointed and disenchanted. In Maci Daye’s new book, Passion and Presence: A Couple’s Guide to Awakened Intimacy and Mindful Sex, we find a pathway to re-enchantment.

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EPISODE #107: Moods and Triggers with Lauren Martin

(December 8, 2020) Our moods come and go but also form patterns that can become fairly automated and unconscious. Five years ago, Lauren Martin was sure something was wrong with her. Life was good but every day she wrestled with an emotional roller coaster that often left her irritable, frustrated and disappointed in herself. Lauren set off on a journey to better understand moodiness, the hold it had on her and how she could turn her moods around faster and faster. The result is her new book, The Book of Moods: How I Turned My Worst Emotions Into My Best Life.

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EPISODE #106: Rethinking What We Share About Our Kids Online with Leah Plunkett

(December 1, 2020) Most of us have a deeply entrenched and far-reaching digital life. This week’s guest thinks a lot about what we share online, and more specifically, what we share about our kids online, usually without any idea of the impact and consequences. Leah A. Plunkett, Associate Dean & Associate Professor at University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law, shares insights from her new book, Sharenthood: Why We Should Think before We Talk about Our Kids Online.

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EPISODE #105: How to Make Better Decisions with Annie Duke

(November 24, 2020) Large or small, we all make decisions every single day. But how many of us really think about the process we use for making decisions? Annie Duke, the author of How to Decide: Simple Tools for Making Better Choices, helps us move on from the typical pro and con list approach so that we can see more clearly, feel more confident and stop second-guessing ourselves..

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EPISODE #104: Create Your Courage Map with Franziska Iseli

(November 18, 2020) Courage isn’t something only a special few are gifted with; it’s a skill we can deliberately develop. In her new book, The Courage Map – 13 Principles for Living Boldly, author and maverick entrepreneur Franziska Iseli explores how we each can chart a better, bolder future by learning to not only face fear, but also to discover the personal truths and gifts that allow us to live life to the fullest.

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EPISODE #103: Growth, Meaning and Purpose with Nathanael Garrett Novosel

(November 10, 2020) For more than 20 years, Nathanael Garrett Novosel has steeped his life in human behavior, psychology, and philosophy in order to answer for himself one question: why are we here? That research and passion has resulted in his new book, The Meaning of Life: A Guide to Finding your Life’s Purpose, which lays out science-based evidence that reveals the exact process for discovering your life’s purpose and exploring your answer to the most complex question known to man.

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EPISODE #102: Everything Meditation with David Gandelman

(November 3, 2020) This week I’m joined by David Gandelman, meditation teacher and founder of Meditation School. For 60 minutes, David answers all of my questions about how and why to meditate, what makes it hard and how to make it easier. Take everything you think you know about meditation and join this conversation with fresh ears. There’s a reason why this ancient stress reliever has gone mainstream; it works!

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EPISODE #101: Your Relationship with Yourself with Erica Mather

(October 27, 2020) Whether we realize it or not, we each have a relationship with our own self. Often, we are our worst enemy. In her new book, Your Body, Your Best Friend: End the Confidence-Crushing Pursuit of Unrealistic Beauty Standards and Embrace Your True Power, Erica Mather has us wonder how different life would be if we truly befriended ourselves. In a society overwhelmed with messages of how women should be and appear, it’s easy to internalize these ideas and become our own harshest critics. It’s time for a change.

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EPISODE #100: The Power of a Weekly Screen-Free Day with Tiffany Shlain

(October 20, 2020) There’s something powerful that happens when we give up screens one day a week. In her book, 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week, author and filmmaker Tiffany Shlain shares how her family have gained more time, productivity, connection, and presence by adopting the ancient ritual of Shabbat. Based on her own experience of taking a tech-free day, she humbly offers a blueprint for how we can become less available to the world and more connected to ourselves and the people we love.

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EPISODE #99: Taking a Personal Sabbatical with Steve Larsen

(October 13, 2020) The idea of stepping away from life and work for months or a year seems pretty impossible, maybe even radical. But in his book, The Year Off: The Anti-Budget Solution to Mastering Your Money and Following Your Dreams, author Steve Larsen challenges the idea that we’re stuck or that we lack choices. He encourages us to rethink our relationship to money and work, seeing them as something to give us the life we want, not to consume our life.

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EPISODE #98: The Power of Questions with Jennie Lee

(October 6, 2020) “The right question asked at the right time can be life-changing” author Jennie Lee writes. Questions are like doorways, leading us into deeper aspects of our introspection and self-discovery. In her new book, Spark Change: 108 Provocative Questions for Spiritual Evolution, Lee guides readers through 108 thought-provoking prompts designed to deepen your awareness of your innermost inquiries and callings.

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EPISODE #97: Breaking the Habit of Underliving with Celeste Headlee

(September 29, 2020) We are a culture of workers, often preferring to work longer hours, work in off-hours, waive vacation time and bring work home instead of leaning into leisure. How did we become so uncomfortable with idleness and so obsessed with productivity? Celeste Headlee, author of Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving, explains.

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EPISODE #96: Why Kindness Makes You Healthier with Marta Zaraska

(September 22, 2020) In her book, Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100, science journalist Marta Zaraska offers a research-driven case for why optimism, kindness, and strong social networks will keep us living longer than any fitness tracker or superfood.

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EPISODE #95: How You Become You with Jay Belsky

(September 15, 2020) In their new book, The Origins of You: How Childhood Shapes Later Life, four leading psychologists share unprecedented insights into what makes each of us who we are and how human development is not subject to ironclad laws but instead is a matter of possibilities and probabilities―multiple forces that together determine the direction a life will take.

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EPISODE #94: How to Be a Present Parent with Timothy Dukes

(September 8, 2020) Most would agree that parenting is both simple and difficult. With all the techniques and advice available out there, it can be easy to forget that the most impactful and universally available parenting tool is our presence. In The Present Parent Handbook, author and psychotherapist Tim Dukes, Ph.D. encourages us to acknowledge the dilemmas and delights in each parenting moment.

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EPISODE #93: How to Rewrite Your Story with Benjamin Hardy

(September 1, 2020) Imagine learning to design your identity based on your desired future self rather than who you have been in the past. Through his book, Personality Isn’t Permanent, Dr. Benjamin Hardy offers practical, science-based insights for how we go through the process of personal-reinvention and confronts the popular misconception that who we are is innate and unchanging.

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EPISODE #92: Author Q&A with Karla McLaren

Karla McLaren, M.Ed., author of Embracing Anxiety: How to Access the Genius of This Vital Emotion, joins us for a live author Q&A with listeners of 60 Mindful Minutes. In this interactive workshop, Karla guides participants through her Conscious Questioning exercise, which uses 11 questions to allow us to better understand our anxiety.

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EPISODE #91: (encore) Staying Centered in Turbulent Times

The world is (still) a very unsettled and uncertain place at the moment. And while we all look to someone or someplace for answers, perhaps we have an opportunity to look no further than the very next moment for refuge. This week we welcome Karen Maezen Miller, a Zen Buddhist priest, for her guidance on feeling more grounded and calm in these turbulent times.

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EPISODE #90: Transforming Conversations about Race with Amanda Kemp

It’s understandable that we approach conversations about racism with a degree of trepidation. But this week’s guest wants us to be less afraid about talking about race. Drawing on her academic study, teaching experience, and life lessons, Dr. Amanda Kemp created Racial Justice from the H.E.A.R.T., a system that builds skill and increases capacity so that we can transform how we talk about racism.

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EPISODE #89: How to Wander with Intention with Erika Owen

Have you ever been walking home from work and unexpectedly took a different path just to curiously explore your neighborhood? Or have you been on a vacation and walked around a new city with no destination in mind? Then chances are, you’re a flaneur and you didn’t even know it! This week I welcome Erika Owen, the author of The Art of Flaneuring: How to Wander with Intention and Discover a Better Life.

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EPISODE #88: How to Make a Difference in the World with Colin Beavan

How many of us feel the need to make a difference in the world but have no idea how and where to start? In his book, How to Be Alive: A Guide to the Kind of Happiness That Helps the World, Colin Beavan shines a light on one path and it starts with this modification: instead of wondering how we can save the world, why don’t we simply become a person who tries?

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EPISODE #87: How to Give a Good Apology with Molly Howes

We all mess up, we drop the ball, say the wrong thing and hurt someone’s feelings. But how many of us know how to effectively apologize and make amends? In her new book, A Good Apology: Four Steps to Make Things Right, writer and therapist Molly Howes offers a thoughtful examination and a blueprint for how to make things right when we’ve done wrong.

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EPISODE #86: Our Beauty Contracts with Jeanette Johnson

When we are unconscious to it, our belonging can be very conditional in this culture. Our unchallenged beauty contracts impact how we treat ourselves and others. As the founder of J’s Everyday Fashion, one of the internet’s first-ever budget fashion blogs, Jeanette Johnson’s life was steeped in beauty. But as you’ll hear, her experiences set her on a journey to not only begin to question our unspoken beauty contracts, but to challenge the entire idea that we get our value from how we look.

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EPISODE #85: Lean in with Love with Stephanie VanZytveld

Stephanie VanZytveld is the author of I Am Gold Dust (And You Are Too): Mindfulness and Authenticity in the Workplace. This week on 60 Mindful Minutes, my guest and I tackle all sorts of topics, including racial injustice, mindfulness at work, authenticity and how we can get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

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EPISODE #84: The Genius of Anxiety with Karla McLaren

In her new book, Embracing Anxiety: How to Access the Genius of This Vital Emotion, award-winning author, social science researcher and empathy pioneer Karla McLaren, M.Ed. aims to have us see that anxiety is not a problem. In fact, it’s an essential source of foresight, intuition, and energy. Emotions are a crucial and vital part of everything we do.

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EPISODE #83: The Power of Ritual with Casper ter Kuile

This week we’re joined by Casper ter Kuile, author of The Power of Ritual: Turning Everyday Activities into Soulful Practices. While they share some of the same DNA, rituals are distinct from habits. To put it simply, repetition without intention and attention is a habit. But when you bring your presence and heart to an activity, that’s a ritual, and rituals give life more meaning and purpose.

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EPISODE #82: A Mindful Life with Aria Campbell-Danesh and Seth J. Gillihan

Written from friend to friend, A Mindful Year offers a series of contemplations on living every day life. In their book and in this podcast episode, Aria and Seth offer an invitation to make space for mindful reflection to reconnect with what is most important to us, and to come home to ourselves to do the inner contemplative work of considering how we live.

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EPISODE #81: The Chemistry of Calm with Henry Emmons

Anxiety and stress can overshadow all the joy and well-being in our lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way. In this episode, Henry Emmons, MD, author of The Chemistry of Calm, shares his holistic approach to creating more emotional resilience.

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EPISODE #80: Intuitive Eating with Elyse Resch

We are each born with an innate knowing as a guide to what we eat. However, we often lose this inner connection. Author Elyse Resch has spent her career helping people reconnect with the wisdom for eating intuitively. In her co-authored book, The Intuitive Eating Workbook, she offers a new way of looking at food and mealtime by showing us how to recognize our body’s natural hunger signals, how to let go of unhealthy weight control behaviors and to develop a positive body image. Most importantly, she teaches us how to stop feeling so distressed around what we eat and to make peace with food.

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EPISODE #79: Creating an Intentional Family Culture with Melissa & Chris Smith

For over a decade, Chris Smith has been helping entrepreneurs create clarity around how they share their story and their message about what they do in the world. Now, he’s joined forces with his wife, Melissa, to create Family Brand, a process that helps families discover how to design an intentional culture in their home that leads to greater love, joy and connection while at the same time reducing stress and overwhelm. In this episode, these parents of five kiddos share how you can learn to create an intentional culture in your home.

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EPISODE #78: Living to Listen with Andrew Forsthoefel

Andrew Forsthoefel is the author of “Walking to Listen: 4,000 Miles Across America, One Story at a Time,” a memoir he wrote after spending 11 months walking by himself across the country. On his backpack was a sign that read, “Walking to Listen,” which became the opening and the invitation for countless interactions, conversations and newfound friendships as he made his way on his journey. Andrew was looking for a graduate program in the human experience, a teacher who’d show up and show him how to do the work of being human.

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EPISODE #77: Embrace the Ways You’re Weird with Olga Khazan

Most of us have felt like an outsider or that we just didn’t fit in at some point in our lives. In her book, Weird: The Power of Being of Outsider in an Insider World, author and staff writer for The Atlantic, Olga Khazan considers the causes, consequences and possible benefits of non-conformity. Drawing upon scientific research and interviews, Khazan shares how we can embrace our weirdness and use it to our advantage.

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EPISODE #76: Why We Struggle with Mike McHargue

We are a flawed and mysterious species. On one hand, we’re extraordinary. No one is like us. No one has been given the gifts we brought into the world. We are exceptionally unique and special, capable of amazing things. And also… we fall down, procrastinate, give up, cut corners, and let ourselves and other down. This is the paradoxical experience of being human. We are extraordinary and, at the same time, infinitely exasperating. But why? Mike McHargue explains.

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EPISODE #75: Why We Bother with Jennifer Louden

Through her book, Why Bother? Discover the Desire for What’s Next, author Jennifer Louden invites us to ask why bother, not from a cynical or resigned place, but as a challenge to open our mind, heart, and life. In the face of depression, compassion, fatigue, global crises, or personal failures, asking “why bother?” can bring us renewed purpose, meaning and direction.

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EPISODE #74: Deliberate Gratitude with Nancy Davis Kho

Who helped you become the person you are today? As Nancy Davis Kho neared a milestone birthday, she decided to write 50 thank-you letters to express her appreciation to the many people who have influenced her, helped her, and inspired her over her life thus far.

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EPISODE #73: Mindfully Decluttering with Laurie Palau

Some of us are using all this time at home to tackle house projects, reorganize and declutter. While the tactical sides of making our spaces more lovely and livable are important, there’s also a psychological side to why we have what we have and keep what we keep. Author and organization expert Laurie Palau shows us that getting our home organized is just as much of an inside job as it is an outside job.

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EPISODE #72: How to Be a Better Person with Kate Hanley

What does it mean to be a better person? How do we start? Kate Hanley, author of How to Be a Better Person: 400+ Simple Ways to Make a Difference in Yourself–And the World, answers these questions and more.

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EPISODE #71: How to Feel Better with Isabel Gillies

We have an innate ability to comfort ourselves, to come to our own rescue, to steady ourselves, and to come home to our moments. In this episode, I speak with author Isabel Gillies about how to feel good and how to get through the day.

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EPISODE #70: What’s Your Thrive Plan with host Kristen Manieri

If you’re struggling to feel positive, productive and peaceful, maybe you need a plan. If you’re feeling lost, perhaps structure and intention could help. Deciding to live intentionally and deliberately amidst the chaos is a game-changer.

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EPISODE #69: Taking Charge of Your Energy with Lisa Erickson

The body has an energy anatomy, split into seven different intersections or centers that nourish and support different physiological, psychological and spiritual aspects of our human experience. This week’s guest, Lisa Erickson, teaches us how to use the chakra systems to guide ourselves to a more peaceful and grounded place.

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EPISODE #68: Staying Centered in Turbulent Times with Karen Maezen Miller

The world is a very unsettled and uncertain place at the moment. And while we all look to someone or someplace for answers, perhaps we have an opportunity to look no further than the very next moment for refuge. This week we welcome Karen Maezen Miller, a Zen Buddhist priest, for her guidance on feeling more grounded and calm in these turbulent times.

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EPISODE #67: The Power of Joy with Debrena Jackson Gandy

What if joy was the secret power source you needed to not only live your day-to-day life but to make all your dreams come true? What if it was the fuel that gave each of us the energy, confidence and clarity to do our best work in the world and make the contribution we were put here to make? This week’s guest believes joy is the center of our being and the more the we can build a capacity for it, the bigger and brighter our lives become.

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EPISODE #66: Rituals of Release with Rachel S. Heslin

Emotionally and energetically, we carry a lot around on the inside. And since we’re all busy picking through our closets and tossing out what doesn’t spark joy, maybe we ought to do the same inside our heads. Rituals of Release inspire us to let go with deliberateness and intention so we can make space for more fulfillment and joy.

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EPISODE #65: Do You Need a Life Coach with Dave Gorham

What if there is a way to have a quantum leap in the direction of your dreams? Matched with the right person, a coach can flatten your learning curve and help you fine tune your mindset. In this episode, we explore the power of working with a coach.

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EPISODE #64: What’s Holding You Back with Raphael Cushnir

When we start to think about what might be holding us back from something we say we want but never seem to move the needle on, we might assume that our lack progress can be blamed on things like self-discipline, money, time, or opportunity. But Raphael Cushnir believes it’s actually our resistance to difficult emotions that keeps us stuck.

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EPISODE #63: Something Deeper with Kristine Ovsepian

When we do the inner work to forge a relationship with a deeper knowing, we gain access to insight and intuition, and we meet our authentic selves. We begin to flow with life, we start to see the signs and nudges from something greater, and we begin to trade fear for faith.

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EPISODE #62: Learning Self-Love with Shainna Ali

The way we encourage ourselves, take our flaws and missteps in stride, and appreciate how we’ve grown become the well from which we draw our energy, our creativity and our resilience. We need self-love. In fact, we need it more than intelligence, experience, opportunity and ideal circumstances. Because when we have it, we can weather and leverage whatever life throws at us.

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EPISODE #61: Live Your Gift with Dana V. Adams

Live on purpose and design a joyful, meaningful life through Life Mapping, a personal development system and goal achievement method for those who strive for continual growth. Life mapping is more than writing down goals—it is also looking at your beliefs, principles, and values to determine if they align with what you truly desire in life.

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EPISODE #60: Imperfect Families with Nicole Schwartz

Rather than compare ourselves to each other and try to measure up to an uninvestigated ideal, how about we all agree that we’re imperfect? What’s ahead is a conversation about what it means to embrace the idea of imperfectionism, as a human being, as a parent, and as a family.

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EPISODE #59: A Fast Forward Mindset with David Schurman

David Schnurman shares his passion for living life to the fullest, even when things don’t go as planned, even when fear and doubt can feel crippling. In the conversation ahead, you’ll not only learn more about having a fast forward mindset, which includes getting outside of your comfort zone and having laser focus, but we also discuss potential, commitment and consistency.

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EPISODE #58: The Science of You (Ayurveda) with Caryn O’Hara

As we set out on a journey to evolve as human beings, much of that path is discovering who we really are. Ayurveda is an excellent excavation tool for those seeking to live not only more healthfully but more in balance on the inside and outside. What’s ahead is a discussion about what Ayurvedic philosophy is, how to use it to discover who we are, and how we can orient ourselves towards making wellbeing and feeling good a priority.

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EPISODE #57: Full Cup, Thirsty Spirit with Karen Horneffer-Ginter

Look around you and find someone who is really good at rest. Chances are, you can’t see anyone who fits this category. What you probably see is a lot of people who are overcommitted and totally stretched beyond capacity. So, what’s the deal? Why when we’re biologically designed to rest do so many of us find no time for it or resist opportunities to just stop for five minutes? Why do we all have more to do than is possible to do?

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EPISODE #56: Journaling, Parenting & Self-Management with Kim Ades

When it comes to parenting, we can totally wing it; many of us do. A lot of great kids have been raised in great homes without their parents reading a single book about parenting. But for those of us who feel a little out of our depth at times, I’m thankful that there are a ton of books, resources and thought leaders who can give us insight into what it means and what it looks like to parent with intention.

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EPISODE #55: The Family Dinner Project with Brianne DeRosa

If we’re not careful, or unaware, the meals we create and meet around each day can start to feel like a chore instead of pleasure. And while I can certainly attest to sometimes feeling the drudgery of preparing a dinner each night, my guest today will tell you that dinnertime is not really about the food at all; it’s about the connection.

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EPISODE #54: Compassionate Leadership with Uvinie Lubecki

Having the spirit of compassionate leadership influences how we listen, the way we relate to our own agenda and even our ability to sideline it. It impacts our ability to connect and see the common humanity in the people we work with.

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EPISODE #53: Guts, Confidence & Self-Acceptance with Amy Alkon

Many of us have areas of our life where we shrink a little, we let ourselves be a little smaller. You might even say, where we sell ourselves out. To me, part of living life my fully and really thriving is learning to navigate my perceived shortcomings, my fears and my stumbling blocks. Part of that is simply identifying what those are and the other part, as you will soon hear, is taking action in spite of them.

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EPISODE #52: Foundations of Wellness with Dr. Linda Matteoli

It’s so much easier to be grounded and happy when you feel good. If you’ve ever tried to a handle a frustrating, stressful or aggravating situation when you’re tired, undernourished or over-caffeinated, you probably had the experience of struggling to be at your best and to harness a peaceful way of being. But when we’re well rested, well-fed and generally feeling good, accessing the zen parts of ourselves is incredibly easier.

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EPISODE #51: Parenting Through Connection with Dr. Laura Markham

It’s really hard to be a conscious parent. It calls on us to be more patient and compassionate than ever before. It requires us to be organized, thoughtful and discerning. It can consume us with anxiety and regret, while also filling our lives with joy and gratitude. But being a parent can be a gateway to our most significant growth points and it gives us the opportunity to expand who we are capable of being.

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EPISODE #50: Marching to Your Own Drum with Emily Polar

Imagine living a “bouncy” life, one that had you being untethered from location or financial obligations, leaving you free to roam where you liked and pursue what you love. Over the past decade, that’s the life this week’s guest has designed. Her story inspires us to begin to ask some questions about what our best life looks like, what our true definition of success is, and what we would create if doubt never stood in our way.

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EPISODE #49: The Art of Living Well with Shannon Ables

“Living simply luxuriously is a choice, a decision to find what fascinates and delights you…” says author and blogger Shannon Ables. Join us for a discussion about what it means to cultivate the art of living well, design a life filled with everyday delight and how to orient yourself toward feeling good.

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EPISODE #48: Never Stop Traveling with Alyson Long

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a nomad? Imagine packing up your life, getting rid of everything, getting on a plane and never looking back. Whether that sounds like a daydream or a nightmare, it’s fascinating to know that there are people out there in the world, people with kids no less, who have chosen to orient their entire lifestyle around travel.

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EPISODE #47: Collective Consciousness with Melissa Wadsworth

We are all participating—in our life, our family, our culture—but the question is, how intentional are we being about our participation? Your life is meaningful. It has purpose. This week’s guest invites us to wake up to what we are creating and could be creating with intentional communing.

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EPISODE #46: Grandkids on Demand with Andrew Parker

Andrew Parker is the Founder & CEO of Papa, a technology platform that connects college students to older adults for companionship, assistance and transportation. Basically, as Andrew defines it, it’s a grandkid on demand, and it has the potential to not only address practical needs for older adults, but it also faces the loneliness crisis head on.

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EPISODE #45: Your Brain in Relationships with Alicia Braccia

It doesn’t matter if you’re a parent or a CEO, a surgeon or a hockey coach, the principles of brain function and neuropsychology are universal. When we can understand what’s happening inside the brain when people we love get upset or frustrated, as well as feel joyful and safe, we can create better connections and relationships with those around us. By the end of this episode you’ll have a new skill that can exponentially make your family and work life better. 

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EPISODE #44: What’s Your Calling with Chris Smith

Researchers have found that having a sense of our purpose positively impacts our health and longevity. But what if you don’t know your purpose? What if you feel like you just can’t figure it out or maybe, secretly worry that you’re the one lone human that didn’t get one? Today’s guest has spent much of the past decade building a life and a business that helps people discover and articulate their calling.

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EPISODE #43: A Cloudless Mind with Scott Byrd

Most of us have heard the research that says the average mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. But have you ever really contemplated what these thoughts are exactly, and even more out there, who’s thinking them? For those of us in pursuit of a more peaceful inner world and a more harmonious outer world, the idea of having a cloudless mind is worth considering.

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EPISODE #42: The Art of Community with Charles Vogl

Cultures of belonging aren’t just happy accidents. They’re often designed and cultivated with purpose and intention. Today’s guest has identified seven time-tested principles for growing enduring, effective and connected communities. These communities could be small, like your immediate family, or they can be larger, like a thriving yoga studio or a church with a congregation 10,000 strong. There’s a method to building vibrant, living cultures where people are nourished by a deep sense of belonging and mutual care.

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EPISODE #41: Daily Centering Practice with Kristen Manieri

We live a hurried, jam-packed life. The days and months fly by in a flurry of routines and commitments. We’re constantly in motion with a never-ending onslaught of distractions to occupy our minds and hearts. Tuning into ourselves has become nearly impossible. But in my experience, the only way to live an awakened, authentic life is to find space for reflection and time to tune in. We need to come home to ourselves and take ourselves off autopilot. With love, compassion and zero judgement, we need to wake ourselves up. For me, a daily centering practice is an amazing wake up tool.

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EPISODE #40: Creating Sanctuary with Jessi Bloom

We all need places we can retreat to that allow us to come home to ourselves, to feel centered and find a sense of calm in this dizzying world. It’s hugely restorative to claim a personal spot, even if it’s in the tiniest corner of our home, to create a sacred space. We weren’t meant to be so disconnected from ourselves and so distracted. We all need and deserve sanctuary.

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EPISODE #39: Kids & Social Activism with Barbara A. Lewis

Raising kids that become social activists might seem like a lofty goal, especially when many of us adults haven’t figured out how to fit volunteering and social activism into our own lives. In this episode, my co-host (Andy Hill of the Marriage, Kids and Money podcast) and I speak with national award-winning author and educator Barbara A. Lewis about how we can all start to see ourselves as part of a greater whole.

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EPISODE #38: Food & Togetherness with Kathleen Blake

Togetherness happens around food. Meals, when we let them, can be the richest and most important social connectors in life. Built into the making and consuming of our food are all sorts of rich opportunities to feel connected, but only if we take advantage of those opportunities and mine those moments. This week we speak to Chef Kathleen Blake about food and togetherness.

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EPISODE #37: Parenting in Slow Motion with Carrie Contey

Parenting isn’t easy. Just when we think we’ve got one stage mastered, our child develops and grows to a new stage with a new set of challenges for us to rise to and adapt with. We often hear parents of grown children say, “Enjoy it. It goes so fast.” They say this wistfully, almost mournfully, like they wish they could go back and do it all again in slow motion. We can’t slow time, but we can parent with intention. Carrie shows us how. 

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EPISODE #36: How to Now with Raphael Cushnir

We hear a lot about the importance of being more present, almost to the point of it becoming a cliché. But when we stop to actually think about what it means to be in the present moment, it’s kind of laughable that we don’t seem to be naturally oriented to be there, because the present moment is where life is. All the striving and creating and collecting and cleaning is all for the purpose of having this thing called “my life.” And yet, how often am I actually “in” my life?

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EPISODE #35: The Happy Traveler with Jaime Kurtz

Our vacation time, especially when it’s limited to just a few weeks out of the year, feels so precious. Plus, considering that travel uses up so much time, energy and money, it makes sense that we’d want to get it right. In this week’s episode, we connect with author and researcher Jaime Kurtz to unpack the secrets of better and more meaningful travel.

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EPISODE #34: Your Best Year with John P. Strelecky

With the new year upon us, I decided that it would be very timely to have a conversation about what it would be like to have the best year ever. I wanted to explore how we could all have a spectacular 2019, and not just because we crossed some huge things off our bucket list but because we tackled some little things in our day to day life that simply made living feel better and brighter.

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EPISODE #33: Intentional Communities with Sky Blue

The intentional community movement is growing in leaps and bounds. More and more people are leaving their subdivisions or changing their city blocks to make massive shifts in their sense of connection, belonging and contribution. There’s a growing desire to create a more humane and equitable society that honors our common humanity above money, amassing more stuff or getting ahead at the cost of others. And the good news: you don’t need to move to a rural community to start cultivating the spirit of intentional community living.

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EPISODE #32: The Art of Thank You with Kelly Browne

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” William Arthur Ward. Gratitude is the opposite of entitlement and it’s the antidote to resentment and scarcity. It’s where we find generosity, humility and joy. As I learned from this week’s guest, it’s one thing to feel gratitude and an entirely different thing to express it. Want to learn how to up your gratitude game? We dive into the art of saying ‘thank you’ in this week’s episode.

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EPISODE #31: Compelling People with John Neffinger & Matthew Kohut

John Neffinger and Matthew Kohut, co-authors of Compelling People: The Hidden Qualities that Make Us Influential, have learned a lot about the impact of a smile, our posture, our gestures, and our tone of voice on the people around us. Their goal is to help others understand how to be more compelling, because being able to influence people, whether that’s getting your toddler to eat her carrots or getting your employees to meet your company’s objectives, is how we make things happen in the world. It’s how movements are started and ideas come to life.

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EPISODE #30: More Love, Less Conflict with Jonathan Robinson

Good relationships have good communication. In this interview, author Jonathan Robinson shares insights and exercises from his book, More Love, Less Conflict, so that anyone can become better communicators with their spouse, learn to diffuse conflict and create more relatedness. 

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EPISODE #29: Gove Back Yoga with Rob Schware

If you’ve ever been to a yoga class or practiced at home, you’ve probably noticed that it not only makes you feel stronger and more flexible, but also more peaceful, attuned and grounded. Rob Schware wants prisoners, recovering addicts and veterans to feel that, too. As the head of the Give Back Yoga Foundation, a non-profit organization that believes in making yoga available to those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience its many benefits, he steers projects like the Prison Yoga Project, Yoga of 12-Step Recovery, and yoga4cancer, all with a goal to reducing suffering and elevating consciousness through yoga.

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EPISODE #28: Embracing Nonsense with Emily Fontano

If you’ve ever experienced improvisational sketch comedy, you’ve likely seen people unfurl and connect with each other in ways that just aren’t common, or maybe even possible, in their day to day life. There’s something so raw and real about learning to create a moment, in front of an audience, just with what comes into your head and out of your mouth. The result is a connection between the actors and to the audience that’s truly extraordinary.

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EPISODE #27: Won’t You Be My Neighbor with Shea Tuttle

Did you grow up watching Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood? Do remember the trolley or King Friday? That red cardigan? The opening song? The show debuted on February 19, 1968 and aired through 2001, so it’s safe to say that generations of kids have grown up watching the more than 870 episodes created by Fred Rogers, who died in 2003. Fred Rogers was infinitely passionate about childhood education and using television as a tool to affirm children’s self-worth and offer them a place where they felt accepted and understood. In this episode, we feature Shea Tuttle, the author of the forthcoming book “In Search of Mister Rogers.”

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EPISODE #26: Finding Life in a Lunch Break with Laura Archer

Only 1 in 5 five people step away from their desk for lunch. Today’s guest is on a mission to change that. Laura Archer is the author of Gone for Lunch: 52 Things to do on Your Lunch Break, a book she wrote on her journey to reclaim her midday break and to find more time for herself, her interests and her self-care. 

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EPISODE #25: The Minister of Loneliness with Kasley Killam

I recently came across an article written for Scientific American titled, To Combat Loneliness, Promote Social Health. This is pretty astounding and I wanted to know more about the idea of loneliness as a public health priority, in the same way that nutrition and vaccinations area. So, I reached out to the author of the article, Kasley Killan, to see if she was open to an interview and she said YES!

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EPISODE #24: Frientimacy with Shasta Nelson

How many of us give much thought to the quality of our friendships or the ways we could be intentionally nourishing our friendships? Turns out there’s not only an art and a science to how we create really good friendships, but there’s a formula to the process as well. Shasta Nelson, author of “Friendships Don’t Just Happen” and “Frientimacy: How to Deepen Friendships for Lifelong Health and Happiness,” has truly become one of the world’s leading voices for friendship. In this conversation, we take a deep dive into the world of frientimacy and how we could all learn to upgrade this area of our lives.

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EPISODE #23: The Power of Attuning with Heather Turgeon & Julie Wright

Imagine there was a way to more effectively and more quickly get our kids to do what we want them to do, when we want them to do it. Imagine if all the struggle and resistance and frustration dramatically decreased in our family life. Heather Turgeon, MFT and Julie Wright, MFT, authors of Now Say This: The Right Words to Solve Every Parenting Dilemma, did more than just imagine these idyllic sceneries: they created a formula for consistently creating more peace, calm, cooperation and relatedness between parents and kids. In this interview, we dive deep into their ALP approach (Attune, Limit Set and Problem Solve) and learn how we can all relate better with each other by becoming skilled in the power of attuning.

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EPISODE #22: Cycling without Age with Pernille Bussone

Global Community Captain Cycling Without Age is a movement started in 2012 by Ole Kassow in Denmark. Ole wanted to help the elderly get back on their bicycles, but he had to find a solution to their limited mobility. The answer was a trishaw and he started offering free bike rides to the local nursing home residents. Cycling Without Age has now spread to all corners of Denmark, and since 2015, to another 38 countries around the world.

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EPISODE #21: Sidewalk Talk with Traci Ruble

Every month, Traci Ruble joins a group of volunteers near a busy San Francisco street with a sign that invites strangers to participate in free listening. It’s called Sidewalk Talk, a non-profit organization with a mission to nurture human connection by teaching and practicing heart-centered listening in public spaces. Since it began in 2014, Sidewalk Talk has grown to over 700 volunteers worldwide and now has chapters in 19 cities around the globe.

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EPISODE #20: The Conversation Project with Kate DeBartolo

Kate DeBartolo is used to uncomfortable conversations. In fact, her job is to be a proponent of them. And here’s why. As the Director for The Conversation Project, her mission is to get people talking about one of the most difficult topics many of us will ever encounter: our end of life decisions and the end of life wishes of the those we love. 

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EPISODE #19: Make Stuff Together with Bernadette Noll

I have a theory that if we upgrade the quality of our connections, if we got more intentional about how deeply we connect with the people around us, our lives would feel more joyful and more meaningful. What follows is a conversation about how we can use our hands and our imaginations to make stuff. But more importantly, why making stuff together—even if you don’t consider yourself an artist or even a creative person—becomes a means to cultivating more connection with our family, friends and community.

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EPISODE #18: 15 Minutes Outside with Rebecca P. Cohen

Spring is nearly upon us, which means for many of us, it’s time to go back outside. My guest today is Rebecca P. Cohen, someone who is incredibly passionate about inspiring families and individuals to spend more time outside. What’s ahead is a conversation about the enormous benefits to being intentional about spending time outdoors every day—with your kids and with yourself – and how to easily and almost effortlessly create a ‘15-minutes outside’ habit.

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EPISODE #17: Soulful Simplicity with Courtney Carver

The idea of living with less—less stuff, less obligations, less debt and making less of a footprint environmentally—is really gaining momentum. And here’s my hypothesis about why: For anyone on a journey to find some meaning in their life or simply trying to gain clarity on what truly makes them happy and fulfilled, we mostly all land in the same place with similar conclusions: it’s not the stuff or the money or the house or the important to do list that give our lives fulfillment: it’s our relationships. And when we have space—physical, emotional and spiritual—to nourish those relationships, our lives are simply better. What’s ahead is a conversation about how living with less makes for room more: more love, more space and more joy.

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EPISODE #16: Man’s Best Friend with Katie Seymour

I first met Katie in my Friday yoga class. She’s a little hard to miss since she’s the only yogi in the class who brings her dog with her. I soon came to find out that she works as a volunteer raising companion dogs as well as therapy dogs. I was immediately fascinated, not just by her work with dogs, but I had a million questions about the relationship between dogs and humans, why dogs are so good at reregulating us and why so many people regard them as man’s best friend. 

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EPISODE #15: The Dinner with Strangers with Dana Marie Roquemore

As the creator of The Dinner Party Project, Dana Marie Roquemore is on a mission to facilitate more and deeper connections between friends and strangers. A food-focused social experiment that invites 8 strangers to share food, conversation and company, the concept provides the random opportunity for people to meet and share a meal. Each week, seven guests are chosen at random and given instructions for where and when to attend. Dana uses guest chefs and guest caterers to create amazing food, but the real richness is in the connections that happen during these dinners. She has such a fabulous story and I can’t wait for you to hear it.

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EPISODE #14: PechaKucha & Sharing Our Stories with Eddie Selover

What happens when a community comes together to share its stories, triumphs, struggles and aspirations? PechaKucha, an international speaker series based on a 20×20 format (20 slides, 20 seconds each), exists to explore this question. Now held in over 1,000 cities around the world, the series gives a platform to each city’s residents—from creatives to professionals to regular folks with a story to tell—and the result is people connecting with people they would probably have never crossed paths. Minds change, perspectives shift, empathy and compassion expands, and also people fall in love with the unique tapestry of their city.

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EPISODE #13: The Listening Course with Rick Bommelje

Rick Bommelje has spent decades becoming a master listener and helping others do the same. Before you shrug off listening as a topic you already know about, I invite you to think again. In fact, I invite you to question why you may never have received any formal training in what is actually one of our most critical skills. Mostly, I invite you to listen to this conversation like it could hold the key to something that might dramatically upgrade your life.

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EPISODE #12: Project Time off with Katie Denis

Americans forfeit over 600 million days of vacation time EVERY year, and there are huge economic, cultural and psychological consequences to this. We’re not as creative and productive but we’re also not as happy AND we miss out on countless moments we could have used to connect with our loved ones and ourselves. I loved this conversation and I can’t with to share it with you, but a word of warning: I have a feeling you’ll be booking your next vacation by the time this conversation is done.

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EPISODE #10: Emotions as Allies with Karla McLaren

Our culture often teaches us to be uncomfortable with emotions, to avoid them, and to set them aside when making important decisions. But neuroscience would have us see them in a different way. In this episode, empathy researcher Karla McLaren invites us to see emotions as data, as fundamental aspects of our intelligence, and inescapable parts of our cognition. Whether you like it or not, your emotions are always at play. But the good news is, Karla can help us understand the wisdom that they bring and what a gift our emotions truly are.

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EPISODE #9: Belonging & Inclusion with Shannon Taylor

Belonging and inclusion are both critical to our health and well-being. There’s real pain to be felt when we feel like we don’t fit in or we’re deliberating excluded. It’s not theoretical, it’s actually physiological, and science has proven this. During this episode, we discuss many great studies but we also bring it down to day-to-day life terms. The research is fascinating but so are the practical applications.

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EPISODE #8: Connecting to Self with Angie Byrd

We connect with other people all day long, in person and online. But how often do we take the time to connect with ourselves, to really check in and see how we’re doing and feeling? It’s not a practice our busy, fast-paced society allows for. In fact, it feels like we’re more distracted from ourselves than ever. Any given moment we have a multitude of things puling at us, demanding our attention. But there is so much value in coming home to ourselves. In this discussion with performance coach Angie Byrd we dig into why we don’t connect with ourselves and what we’re missing. And we also discuss how we can create self-connection practices and their immense benefits.   

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EPISODE #7: Openhearted Travel with Rachelle Lucas

There’s so much more to travel than the places we can cross off our bucket list or the photos we can take. International travel writer Rachelle Lucas invites travelers to break from the pack and get lost in a city. The best travel experiences are the ones that we never expected to happen, and they can only be found when we put down the map or the guidebook and just explore. Travel gives us the opportunity to connect with ourselves, with our fellow travelers and with the culture we are visiting. When we’re open to it, it can broaden our belief systems, question our biases, and open our mind and heart.

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EPISODE #6: Contemplative Practices with Ryan Redman

Ryan is the Executive Director of Flourish Foundation, a social profit dedicated to promoting contemplative based practices in communities for the purpose of achieving mental balance and universal compassion. During this interview, we discuss how we can prime our emotional state, refine our inner awareness and create better attention skills that result in us having a greater capacity to monitor our mind and body in real time.

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EPISODE #5: Intentional Relating with Brandon Craig

Here’s something we don’t think about very much: how does a relationship occur for you and how do you occur for people who you are currently in a relationship with? What are we really committed to in our relationships with our partners, our family, friends and coworkers. Try on, as a possibility, that this sits at the foundation of your relationships. If you have no idea what I am talking about, give this episode a listen.

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EPISODE #4: Your Big Five for Life with John P. Strelecky

John P. Strelecky is an international best-selling author and creator of the Big Five for Life concept. As of 2017, his books have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide and been translated into 29 languages. He is on a mission to inspire people to think about and start pursuing their Big Five for Life: the five things they want to see, do or experience in their lifetime that would truly define their life as well-lived.

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EPISODE #3: The Wisdom of Teams with Doug Bolger

Doug Bolger wants to change the way the world works. As Founder & CEO of Learn2, Doug believes that every team can achieve inspired results by unlearning, optimizing and creating best practices. At the heart of his award-winning approach to facilitation and design lies Doug’s commitment to participant-centered and experiential Live Sessions.

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EPISODE #2: The Power of Perception with Kostya Kimlat

Having the ability to see other people’s perceptions of us is a powerful skill. We may not think about it much, but we are always “on,” which is to say that we are always being perceived by our audience (our spouse, our kids, our coworkers, our friends, etc.). Tuning into our impact and bringing clarity to how we are perceived can help guide our actions in ways that help us to strategically create the result we are trying the create: the sale, the relationship, the feeling, or the moment.

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EPISODE #1: Creating Connection Rituals with Carrie Contey

Carrie Contey has been our parenting coach for many, many years and along the way her insights and wisdom have helped us navigate our parenthood, partnership and personhood with clarity and intention.  Today’s conversation focused on connection rituals—the habits we create to consistently sync with the people we share our lives with. Many of us have relationships with people we see every day, maybe all day, every day. And what Carrie and I discussed today was how to add more juice to those relationships and why there is so much value in having connection rituals.

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Human connection is the multivitamin we all need more of. On a cellular level, we are wired to connect and the extent to which we sync with others, even strangers, has a huge impact on our lives, inside and out. Imagine if our lives could be exponentially upgraded just by bringing more intention and presence to the way we connect with others. That’s living The Synced Life.

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