(Part Two) End Overwhelm Series: How To Do Less
November 10, 2022
It can’t all matter. There’s got to be a way to rank everything that’s important in your life and identify the things that really aren’t. It’s going to take some time—meaning you’ll want to dedicate an hour or two—to get really real with yourself about what truly are the things that make your life a […]
(Part One) End Overwhelm Series: Know Your Capacity
November 3, 2022
Today is the first of a four-part series on overwhelm. With the holidays coming and the end of the year in our sights, this is the season for feeling completely overloaded. So, I thought I would share some insights and strategies to help you make it through peacefully ad gracefully. We all know the feeling […]
Get To Know Your Neighbors
October 27, 2022
This past weekend we had tea with our neighbors, Rick and Leslie. We’ve been living on our new street for almost nine months now, and other than hellos as we come and go or quick chats at the end of the driveway, this was the first time we’d actually sat down with one of our […]
Being Present in Your Body
October 20, 2022
Wherever you go in life, whatever you do, one thing is for sure: your body will be there with you. The relationship between ourselves and our bodies is our primary connection, so it makes sense that on our journey to cultivate more mindfulness, we begin with habits that support us in being more present with […]
How to Tame the Mind
October 13, 2022
The nature of thought is pretty fascinating when you look at it closely. I’ve come to see that we typically don’t experience the world around us; we experience our thoughts about the world around us. And we can often change our life experience simply by changing our thinking. Here’s what I mean: The other day […]
How to Create More Ease at Work
October 6, 2022
Our work and the jobs we do in the world are fertile ground for discontent. For those of us who meet Monday morning with a sense of gloom, even dread, our work life can be a source of angst, disappointment, stress and dissatisfaction. And yet, we each will spend about a third of our lives […]
Permission to Change Your Mind
September 29, 2022
The other day during a yoga class, the instructor invited us to add a few adjustments to the pose we were in. “You can reach upward. You can extend through your toes. You can even extend one leg back,” she said. “And remember, you can always change your mind.” Hmmmm. I thought. That’s new. I’d […]
The Real Purpose of Mindfulness
September 21, 2022
We hear a lot about mindfulness these days. In fact, we hear about it so much that we might have lost sight of what it actually is and what it’s actually for. To put it simply, mindfulness is our ability to be aware of what’s happening around us and inside us. It’s not meditation, although […]
What Would You Like to Be Acknowledged For?
September 20, 2022
I’ve started doing new mini episodes on my 60 Mindful Minutes podcast and I call them my Weekly Nugget. These are short episodes that give me an opportunity to share some things that I’m thinking about lately and practices that I find helpful in my own life. This week I’ve been thinking about how we […]