How to Stay Calm When People Aren’t Wearing Masks
July 6, 2020
I am a rule follower. Show me the guidelines, protocols and recommendations and you can be sure I will fall in line. According to Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies paradigm, I am an “Upholder,” which means I have a propensity toward responding readily and openly to outer expectations. If you’re part of this upholder camp, you’ve […]
What’s Your Thrive Plan?
March 23, 2020
Deciding to live intentionally and deliberately amidst the chaos is a game changer. What we’re experiencing right now, across the globe, is undoubtedly something we have never experienced before. In between stretches of calm, peace and surrender, my mind skips across a spectrum of disbelief, fear and horror. This is mind boggling, and for those […]
Bring Back the Sabbath
February 25, 2020
CLICK HERE to download the Sabbath Worksheet Humans, especially those of us populating western nations, are terrible at unplugging. Living in a world that’s always on, always open, and always accessible, we’ve come to mimic the technology our own minds created. We are machine-like, ceaseless in our commotion and consumption, constant in our continual striving […]
The Ultimate Tool for Keeping Commitments to Yourself
January 28, 2020
At the tail end of 2019, I had the opportunity to interview David Schnurman for my Synced Life podcast. David is the author of The Fast Forward Mindset and has a deep passion for motivating others to live outside of their comfort zone and to have laser focus on their aspirations. What inspired me most […]
Enoughness: A Gift From France
September 19, 2019
This summer we had the extraordinary experience of spending 10 weeks in France. It’s a glorious country, with a bountiful beauty and classic charm that reaches far outside of Paris’ city limits, stretching across miles of rolling farm land, endless vineyards, protected forests, snow-capped mountains, expansive bike trails, shimmering lakes and golden beaches. Immersed in […]
A Daily Centering Practice
July 17, 2019
The idea of having a daily practice where we can each find our sanity and center again is a huge theme in my life at the moment. For starters, I began mentoring six women last month through what I call the Awakened Living Master Class, which takes place over two months and consists of weekly […]