
Inspiration for Your Sacred Space

One of my favorite parts of supporting clients in creating a daily centering practice is helping them create a sacred space. Below are some ideas (from Pinterest, of course) for ways you can create a place in your home to sit in stillness, journal, read, and more.

A great example of a minimalist space.

Candles, plants, an alter with crystals. I love this space!

This space feels like a mini at-home temple!

Fill your space with symbols that have meaning to you. Love the tea set!

Simple but functional and cozy!

Even a little corner can be transformed into sacred space! Love the basket for the yoga mat!

So simple and so cozy!

Even your bathtub can be your sacred space!

Incorporate plants and surround yourself with natural light.

Don’t have a chair? No problem! Fill your space with pillows.

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