
By Kristen Manieri

Connecting to Something Deeper

I met today’s guest through her book Living through Choice: Transform Fears to Love. Kristine Ovsepian is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Life Coach and Intuitive Healer. She holds a masters in Psychology as well as too many certifications to list here but I’ll call out a few so you get a sense of who she is: Kristine is certified in Past Life Regression, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Emotional Freedom Technique plus she’s a Certified Dream Builder Coach, Reiki healer and Angel Practitioner.

What drew me to her, beyond her knowledge and expertise, was her dedication to helping others do the inner work needed to heal their body, heart and mind. She’s a soulful, heartful woman who believes when we intersect our willingness to grow and heal with openness to guidance from someplace deep and big, we become virtually unstoppable.

In the conversation ahead, we talk about connecting to source, being in flow, taming our egos and diving into deeper states of consciousness.


  1. We forget that we have a deeper connection to something bigger than ourselves. I’ve absolutely experienced moments of awe and wonder. But what I was reminded of in this conversation is that I don’t have to wait until I’m standing before the Grand Canyon or inside a spiritual temple to feel that connection. I can feel it every day when I tune into it.
  2. We need to make space in our lives to do the work of being with our subconscious. When we only live in the conscious world of our thinking and feelings, we miss seeing what’s actually running most of the show… which is our subconscious messaging.
  3. Chasing happiness on the outside will lead you nowhere. True happiness must be cultivated from within. That’s not to say that we can’t find enjoyment or pleasure in outer experiences. Of course, we can. But these can’t be the only source of our joy.
  4. I love the question Kristine asks: how is your life flowing? How much effort is it taking? How much force is needed? How much hustle? Your answers to these questions are incredibly informative and instructive.
  5. What nudges are you getting? Connecting to our inner intuition is a skill we cultivate with practice. And sometimes, we need to just ask for a sign and pay attention to what comes.
  6. You can only think one thought at a time. When you find your mind in a compulsively negative state, use mantras to replace negative thoughts with new ones. Even just repeating the phrase “I am well, all is well” can settle the nervous system tremendously.
  7. Tame your ego with love. Have a conversation with the parts of yourself that are fearful, angry or upset, not with an intent to berate yourself but instead to come to your own rescue.
  8. Be in service. Fill your well with self-care so you have so much more to give.

A big thanks to Kristine for being this week’s guest. You can learn more about her at journeystoheal.com.

Until next time,

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