If you’ve ever been to a yoga class or practiced at home, you’ve probably noticed that it not only makes you feel stronger and more flexible, but also more peaceful, attuned and grounded.
Rob Schware wants prisoners, recovering addicts and veterans to feel that, too. As the head of the Give Back Yoga Foundation, a non-profit organization that believes in making yoga available to those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience its many benefits, he steers projects like the Prison Yoga Project, Yoga of 12-Step Recovery, and yoga4cancer, all with a goal to reduce suffering and elevating consciousness through yoga.
What struck with me in doing this interview is how inspiring it is to meet people who see a need in the world and then orient their life in a way that has them making a difference in that area.
1. Imagine what the world would be like if we each woke up every day with the thought, “how can I serve?”
2. As Rob says, 80% of life is just showing up. I ask myself, what am I missing out on because I’m not taking that first step of showing up?
3. I love this idea that whatever we’re doing—yoga, running, paining, doing the dishes—those are all opportunities to practice evoking my highest self. When we know what it’s like to practice being at our best, whether that’s centered, patient, loving or peaceful, we get all sorts of moments in our day to practice showing up that way.
4. This interview also reignited my belief that serving is inside each of us. I really think it might be in our DNA. And when we cultivate a service spirit, even in something as simple as making a meal for someone, we change our way of being for ourselves but also for the people in our lives. And who knows, maybe that would have us feeling less entitled and resentful, and more generous and grateful.
5. A life of purpose is an extraordinary life. The real juice in the life we live is what we give, not what we accumulate or hoard for ourselves.
A big thanks to Rob Schware for being my guest on the 60 Mindful Minutes podcast. I really encourage you to learn more about the Give Back Yoga Foundation and maybe send them a few dollars to support their programs. You can learn more at https://givebackyoga.org/.
My hope is that this podcast makes you feel more inspired and conscious. If it does, I’d really appreciate a five-star review on iTunes so more people can hear about it and tune in. And of course, if you have ideas for guests or how we can improve, send me an email.
Until next time,
Photo credit: Give Back Yoga Foundation